2013 is already off to a bad start. News reports are focusing on lawmaker reaction to the fiscal cliff deal rather than the specifics of what was agreed to. I cannot find hardly any mention at all of what the tax rates will be now or how long federal unemployment benefits will be renewed for. Looks like another year of the usual media bullshit of focusing on the finger pointing and winner/loser horserace instead of actual policy.
I feel your pain. I left mine on the bedside table last night, next to a glass of water. Woke up at 8 to my phone camera clicking picture after picture of the ceiling. Yep. Now nestled in a bag of rice.
Find that radio interview where the conservative host asks him something like "do you agree with the bishops of your church about everything" and he goes full asshole in response. All that was missing was "please proceed governor".
Is it really just the naked careerism of the generals and admirals that keeps those kids out there in Af-i-ghanistan? ("We can't go home until I get a combat patch on my shoulder!")
Happy New Year, guys. Maybe 2013 can be the Year of the DEROS.
where's that damned obama ad with mittens singing?
speaking of best of...
2013 is already off to a bad start. News reports are focusing on lawmaker reaction to the fiscal cliff deal rather than the specifics of what was agreed to. I cannot find hardly any mention at all of what the tax rates will be now or how long federal unemployment benefits will be renewed for. Looks like another year of the usual media bullshit of focusing on the finger pointing and winner/loser horserace instead of actual policy.
I feel your pain. I left mine on the bedside table last night, next to a glass of water. Woke up at 8 to my phone camera clicking picture after picture of the ceiling. Yep. Now nestled in a bag of rice.
OK, I'm a little foggy this morning. Is this still good news for John McCain?
Heh...I just had an image of Mittens and Ann doing A Fairy Tale of New York at the family Christmas party...
Did you get a chance to see uranu....oh hell. I can't do it. Happy New Year.
He's a legacy. Uh, model.
I hope Mittens got a Karaoke machine for Xmas just because his whole family deserves it.
Thank Dog he's not president. Happy New Year fellow sarcastic heathens.
Happy New Year everyone! And thanks for making me feel less isolated in my tea party part of Texas!
But some of his friends own breweries.
Find that radio interview where the conservative host asks him something like "do you agree with the bishops of your church about everything" and he goes full asshole in response. All that was missing was "please proceed governor".
Mitt being hu-man means Repubicans are people, my friend. Who knew?!
Is it really just the naked careerism of the generals and admirals that keeps those kids out there in Af-i-ghanistan? ("We can't go home until I get a combat patch on my shoulder!")
Happy New Year, guys. Maybe 2013 can be the Year of the DEROS.
How long does it take for Botox to wear off? She could still be stuck in the same expression.
Emily Post he aint...