How does someone with a truck like this even have the brain cells to be able to buy a truck?

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This kind of lingo is rampant in this little rural CA foothills community. As are go drumpf and expletive Biden flags. Even at the school in which I worked for three years. You know, bus driver, lunch ladies, HR person. HR person? Yup, even her.

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I have that. Also when I hear "walk slow", instead of "...slowly", and so on. Aaaaaa!

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Good God I hated Lucy. Reminds me of my ineffectual, self-centered, whiny mom. And that fucking red lipstick of the 50's. Eew.

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Dave? Dave? that's right Dave.

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Those most susceptible to conspiracies obviously left school way too soon.

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Glove smeller!

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That is the Jell-O salad of fashion.

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What the hell is with those shorts sizes? Aren't those women's sizes?Also note the ties in what was at the time called the 'fashionable clown width.'

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"More than 200 years of computer diseases?"

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This is a phantom thread now. Scary. https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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The tumor part really sells it I think. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Or went to a poor school. I'd like to find out who was teaching English here about 20 years ago and beat the shit out of her for not knowing not to say "I had went" or "I seen." Because every. fucking. person. around here who grew up in this damn town says that. And it had to be from school, because it's universal across a certain age group.

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