I watched Biden's presser live last night, I was proud of him.

He is doing such a good job, I wish everyone understood that and refrain from voting for a guy who wants to put all libs in concentration camps (not just immigrants) and weaponize the DOJ against everyone who's ever hurt Trump's fee fees.

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A large part of why China ramped up their coal power plants in the last decades is because the entire western world moved their factories over there. In any kind of fair bookkeeping this would be registered as our pollution. But we live in a world where the companies move around production to where it is cheapest, and the cheapest countries get the blame for being the cheapest.

So when China goes green then their production costs will go up, and all companies will move their factories to another country that will then also build coal plants to power those factories.

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I'm happy about all the good OHJB does. Kinda wish it didn't have to be at Filoli, because it's beautiful and full of rich old farts from Woodside. Which means it fucks up my horse veterinarian's commute on the first weird-ass rainy day in NorCal, and all the horses have decided to have tummy trouble, including mine. IT'S MY FUCKING FIRST WORLD, AMIRIGHT?

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I hope your horse is feeling much improved.

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Ta, Dok. I'll take all the Nice Times I can.

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Just a tip, if someone's argument for why we shouldn't do things to combat climate change is that it's because OTHERS are not doing exactly that so we shouldn't be doing it also, then maybe, just maybe, that person isn't being sincere about actually wanting to combat climate change.

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So the Chinese are going to help solve their own hoax? As if! Someone notify Rep. Higgins.

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Okeh, impromptu htps://Wonkzoom.com re: Business development.

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Wow. CO2 AND plastic pollution. The astroturf push-back is going to be ferocious. Republican fascists will do everything they can to pitch this as something between capitulation and treason, or fuck it, why not both? Good job President OHJB.

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Clearly the way to make EVERYONE happy, and I mean EVERYONE, is to frame this as some great competition to be first to get to 100% renewable sustainable the FASTEST...Turn it into an upbeat version of the space race of the 50s and 60s. Right wingers can get what THEY want by making it ugly and xenophobic and environmentalists in both countries can wink knowingly at each other across the Pond, giddy with the knowledge that we tricked our respective RW authoritarian 'leaders' into doing the right thing...




right, thats it..."cold war"...let's go with that


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Yes, Future Crunch has been saying for months China is getting into alternative non-coal energy. However, they also want to use a lot of hydropower which recent droughts have made unavailable. But it's predicted 2024 will the highest use of fossil fuel by China.

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"US And China — Yes, THAT China — Agree To Expand Renewable Energy, Ditch Fossil Fuels"

It's a nice thought; let's hope China acts on it. Maybe they've noticed that OHJB has been working on this. He already has one heck of a record going.

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With China, there is *ALWAYS* a hidden ulterior motive.

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Like reducing pollution and getting cheaper energy?

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Like how it also benefits them. That's as hidden an ulterior motive as we can get.

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Only one? Pikers!

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And they say the same about us, of course.

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He'd not even been out of bed very long when not long ago paul ambled in here bearing victuals, serving me the warm, melting cheese and a fresh dollop of sour cream adorned remaining half of the bean and cheese burrito I had for supper last night. The fact of the matter is that after accomplish all of the necessary chores early this morning I was feeling a bit peckish and his timing was ideal.

The man is rather nice to have around sometimes.

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We're worth keeping, in some cases.

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Joe Biden's going to run and win on his record. It's a damn good record.

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it is, and i'm tired of it being ignored or minimalized. it makes for stupid interviews with college students who really can't quite decide what's best...

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I'm sure Herschel is happy that China's bad air won't be coming over to America and pushing our good air to, I guess(?), New Zealand.

Now if we could just cut down all those trees we will be pollution-free by '33.

Reached for comment, Herschel said he will celebrate by paying for two abortions today and splurging by also kicking in Uber fare for the lucky two women.

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I suppose China is going to have a lot of people with experience in overcoming scaling problems...

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Hope. I want to have hope for the future.

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Here's some good news from Future Crunch:

The Progress Report

After setbacks caused by the pandemic, there has been significant worldwide recovery in the scale-up of diagnosis and treatment for tuberculosis. Last year, 7.5 million people were reached—the highest figure ever recorded—and the number of deaths fell t0 1.3 million, down from 1.4 million in 2021. Global efforts to combat TB have now saved over 75 million lives since 2000. WHO

For millennia, our ancestors suffered and died with tuberculosis, without knowing what it was, what caused it, or how to stop it. Today, we have knowledge and tools they could only have dreamed of. We have political commitment, and we have an opportunity that no generation in the history of humanity has had: the opportunity to write the final chapter in the story of TB.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General

Since 2017, 226 million people in Africa have been protected from yellow fever via a single-dose vaccine that provides lifelong protection. 'We are making good progress after the disruption of the pandemic, but there is still work to be done to ensure that governments continue to prioritize yellow fever. It is possible to eliminate these epidemics in our lifetime.' WHO

The dominant story of global economics in the 21st century has been that improvements in standards of living have unfairly accrued to only a small elite, leaving much of the world’s population no better—or even worse—off in deteriorating circumstances. This is not true. The data unambiguously show that our world is not only better off but also becoming far more equal. Cato

The Great Turning

Deforestation in the Columbian Amazon is down 70% year-on-year, thanks to new environmental policies and initiatives like the Communitarian Multiactive Cooperative of the Common. Run by former fighters in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the group has already planted 125,000 trees, with another 250,000 trees ready in their cooperative nursery.

Voluntary cuts to Colorado River water usage by Arizona, California, and Nevada will be enough to prevent critically-low levels until 2026. Under the proposal, the three states will cut 3 million acre-feet over the next three years—about 14% of the region’s supply—in exchange for federal funding. Inside Climate News

Two decades ago, an ambitious rewilding project in Gorongosa National Park put girls’ education and female empowerment at the heart of its conservation blueprint. It was the first park in Mozambique to introduce female anti-poaching rangers and today provides internships and university programs to encourage girls to stay in education and challenge the tradition of early marriage. El País

If we want to see a generation of change, we need to focus on girls and women. If these children grow up understanding and benefiting from what the park is providing them, it’s one of our biggest ways of trying to send the message that they need to protect the environment, they need to protect the park.

Larissa Sousa, Associate Director of Communications, Gorongosa National Park

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Dooo Eeeeet!

That's something you can control. Hang around with some teenaged kids, the bright ones. That always does it for me. They're smarter and a helluva lot more kinder than I and my peers were at their age.

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