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Are you referring to the YouTube channel that has SF short films? They've got some pretty good stuff there.

Though they really ought to give the "robots become killers" trope a rest.

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So these Rethugs who don't want "pork" or "pet projects" in the relief bill... they want the unrelated pet projects of "repeal 230" and "roll back voter rights" added in? And how about that UFO clause? Sure Jan.

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I'm not sure that dogs wouldn't still eat their own vomit if they DID have opposable thumbs & buckets of Mr Clean & a scrub-brush. No dignity, eesh.

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The Sears at the mall near my place of employment is one of the Sears stores that's being closed (I feel sorry for the mall...it's a decent place to stroll around while on lunch break). Last night I took advantage of the "Everything Must Go" sale and grabbed six pairs of pants for $100. Even if only 2 of them fit (I'm a non-standard size), I'll be happy.

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The $600 checks have hit our accounts already.

That wasn't very hard, was it boys?

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See, THIS is why we have the internet. Bravissimo.

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His Backpfeiffengesicht gives him a clear edge on the unlikeability index.

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My understanding is that you can get both payments as part of your 2020 tax refund. But IANAL or a tax accountant. Worth looking in to.

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It hasn't much affected me, and I would be a damnably greedy asshole if I made like I deserve a check as much as someone with genuine COVID-related hardship.

And as I've already described, the level of "bureaucracy" would be pretty damn light, just enough to keep damnably greedy assholes away.

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That may not last long. NSW cases are increasing and VIC has 3 new local cases, In Ireland ,where I occasionally live, positive test results doubled in last 24 hours, positivity rate approx 18%. Cases really took off since Christmas even though adherence to social distancing, hand sanitation and mask wearing is high. New variant, which has just hit the US is over 50% more transmissible than the original strain. Mass vaccination can't happen soon enough.

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It might be related but no, it is a podcast. The second season is an anthology about a plane that hit a bit of turbulence and shifted 20 years in the future and each episode is a different passenger's experience.

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You could go to JoAnn and get the necessary implements to tailor the ones that don't fit, so that they do... :)

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So we repeal Section 230 and end Internet comments.

Is that really a negative? Wouldn't that make it harder for random idiots to propagate lies?

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It would make it harder to the point of impossible for you to come here and ask that question, if I understand it correctly.

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