"you are right! pets are companions, not gifts. and the first job of Austin Dog-Mayor should be to raise moneys for Emancipet so veterinary care is available to all loving homes regardless of income! that's why I runnin'. I also want to put a dog in every classroom and a cat in every senior care facility." ~ CJ

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Fucking moron. Why not read the story before spouting your ignorant bullshit.

The fact is that the judge who ruled that life support be switched off determined that it was "the settled view of their son's doctors that his brain has been damaged catastrophically by an as yet undiagnosed condition, or that the intensive treatment required to keep him alive is no longer in his best interest and may be causing him suffering.


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Go fuck yourself, you right-wing piece of shit.

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The doctors involved determined that transporting him or prolonging his life was likely to cause more seizures and discomfort for the child. Otherwise, they could have just sent him home with palliative care ages ago.

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The grieving parents were taken advantage of by a group of religious grifters. There was no true hope for their little one, but these monsters preyed upon their desperation. If a god could cure him in Rome then he damn sure could have done it in the UK too. I hope grief counseling is covered under their socialized health care. Those poor parents need it. I can't begin to imagine their pain.

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I don't know how the NHS works. I'm in Ontario. If I need a treatment not offered here, I can go somewhere else for it, and most of the time I would be reimbursed by the provincial government.

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so America is screwed?

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This god character people have so much faith in sure causes a lot of misery. Droughts, tsunamis, floods, fires, diseases and little kids getting terrible afflictions. Every once in a while this god character steps up (allegedly) and somebody comes out of the rubble alive but mostly it's misery. If you ask somebody on the right of American politics you'd find that god doesn't want universal single payer health care. Maybe that's part of gods constant barrage of misery directed at humanity and through humanity at pretty much all life on Earth that can be seen without a microscope.

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Um, I think you need some remedial reading comprehension.....

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Um, fuck off.

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Oh, I'm sure he already has MARVELOUS healthcare cuz he was sucking on the teat of federal gummint....

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So.... wut? Connect the dots or STFU.

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“Socialized medicine robbed the insurance companies and hospitals that could’ve profited from this family’s false hope for YEARS!”

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Dude has no comment history, just a nasty troll

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What are you trying to say? The person you are responding to isn’t the problem, it’s Boiya who is the moron.

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Um, no. The person who he replied to is indeed a right-wing piece of shit.

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