Hush now minionshttps://www.theguardian.com...

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Il Douche is convinced that they all voted for Clinton - as often as they could - and that's reason enough to deport them all before they can vote against him in 2020.He's an ignorant fuckstick. Period.

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Facts, figures and charts are wasted on Trumpanzees. Trump could (and will, if we don't kick his fat ass out of office) grind them down to abject poverty and leave them sick and starving, and they'd still go to their graves blaming immigrants and Demoncrats.Fuck them all. There's nothing do to but outvote the morons, every other November, until they finally just die off.

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He's already said he's walking away from them, so why shouldn't they give him a big "fuck you" as a going-away present?

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All the charts, graphs, and figures won't make a bit of difference with those people. First, it's numbers and math, which is zzzzzzzz to these people. Second, they don't care. All they see are brown people with funny accents moving into their communities and it terrifies them. A few of them are honest enough, like the fuckwad running here in PA's 10th district, to admit their ultimate goal is to ship all African-Americans to Liberia so they can Make America White Again.

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But not that Colin Kaepernick fellow. He's disrespectful. You might even say "uppity"

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He must be removed from office, along with his minions.

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If Dems are running on that, good luck, because Dems lack a singular ability to have a clear message about *why* this is a deal/problem/issue for voters and they will (for the umpteenth time) let their right wing adversaries make these people all out to be illegal immigrants raising your taxes and stealing your benefits.

Sound mean? Tough. Dems cannot run on moral lectures (although the occasional β€œfor you youselves were strangers in Egypt” is effective IF A FUCKING DEM HAD ACCESS TO EASY BIBLE QUOTES INSTEAD OF BEING SHOWN UP BY EVILGELICALS) but often cannot resist boring people with them. Again: good luck.

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Right? Brexit, Marine LePen and her ilk in Italy, Greece, etc., a huge refugee consort that this administration won't help with...

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It's hard to fill out IRS forms while on the job?

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Ares' most famous son was Eros, as a result of his incestuous relationship with his sister Aphrodite. An excellent example of Crass Stupidity by someone who would attempt to impart "morals" and "Bible" and...well any sort of specious connection with anyone who claims to have an IQ above 20. (You shoulda spent your Saturday afternoons watching "Hercules" and "Xena" instead of trying to stuff 3000 marshmallows up up your nostrils). Cheers!!

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Doesn't sound tough but it does sound stupid. Thank you!

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It can do both.

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This euroweasel got it.

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Says French wikipedia, the fountain of knowledge: "Ares' other children are usually criminals and madmen".

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First tax them then annoy them then EAT THEM.

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