Austrian School economists always remind me of the Libertardians who took Econ 101 and never progressed any further but refuse to believe that the world is more complex than the simple supply/demand curve. Unfortunately they still run the world's economies, and especially the IMF and World Bank. Every time a country gets close to defaulting on their loans (which are deliberately designed to make that happen) they make the very same demands that they have made since the 1950s, and which have **NEVER** resulted in a better outcome for either the customer or the bank. What the hell, if you try something 1,323 times and it fails, maybe on the 1,324th try it will succeed, right?

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And the squirrel fryer guy hawking sleepy time pills.

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A damn fine cat.

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Megagrift. Have interns, who are working for exposure bucks, slap together a likely story. Cut out the middleman by selling ePubs. Profit.

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I've missed that one 😳

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Well, it'll take over a decade, depending on how old you are before you can start working without running afoul of child labor laws in your area.

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He looked like a genius during the Bill Clinton years because there were competent experts alongside him, in charge at the Fed and in the White House, and then his "expertise" vanished because he decided he wanted to overstay his welcome there during the Bush years and work with Bush's "experts" and guidance from that White House. And his proclamations fell short when the economy stalled in the late 2000s and led to the Great Recession. The Economy reliably does better under Democrats when they're in the White House than Republicans. Yet rich people tend to vote Republicans into office because they think they're getting better tax breaks and/or are somehow outsmarting the "smart" guys.

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It would make more sense for them to use jobs "recovered" vs. added. Not really adding til we're back to the pre-pandemic baseline. The real test is to see how many are added after return to baseline. Probably still strong though cause EVERYONE is desperately HIRING. Job-jumping will continue a la the late 90s. And boomers retiring. I may have ridden (1st since pandemic) in a pilotless plane this week - who knows??

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ShrillKitty done cut a bitch. Dayum! (Totally agree, BTW.)

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I'm sure SCOTUS will take care of those pesky child labor laws in a year or so. Indentured servitude will be back a year after that.

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I dunno, I'm pretty sure I can make those sounds blowing into a plastic pop bottle.

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Wait another ten years when you're with a bunch of people your own age and you're thinking, "these fuckers look old!"

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Forget it, he's rolling.

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Protestants are already a minority In N.I., and even accounting for the non-religious with a Protestant background may not even be a plurality anymore, and Ireland is far more secular than it was a generation ago.

Old prejudices die hard, but being a Protestant in a united Ireland wouldn't be much different than being a Catholic in Great Britain.

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add in the Republicans trying to break down public schools and producing an uneducated class good for manual work only.........

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But surely he knows windmills kill birds and cause cancer, à la wind turbines.

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