Dunn: Let's get this done.

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I love former officer Dunn but don't know anything about Maryland politics to know that donating to him is the right thing to do. I donate all over the country to help democrats. So if anyone can help me know more please do. Meow

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💙 Great question, I've asked Jay Kuo to help guide us to where our donations will do the most good, last week the push was for Tom Suozzi- to replace Santos. I did make a donation for Harry Dunn thru a campaign "split" email from Ruben Gallego (AZ), watch the bottom of request emails to see who will actually benefit, one I received said 'not affiliated with or endorsed by any candidate' it was a PAC.

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Thanks for the feedback.

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Well, I live int that district, but I haven't payed close attention so far. All of the candidates are saying the right things. It's a very safe district, so I would not bother donating to Dunn or anyone else here.

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I would prefer a candidate who actually has legislative experience. Ballotpedia only shows 8 declared candidates, so it may be a bit behind - but 5 of those 8 have various levels of service in the Maryland General Assembly or State Senate.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Interesting that you say that and I understand your trepidation. I will add that the freshmen Dems seem much more willing to actually put in the work and make a real difference. Look at the gentlemen in TN who obviously had the more experienced leader mentor them. I’d like to hope that this would be the case for Dunn. Hopefully someone will step in to guide him.

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Generic Congressional Republican: "The gentleman from Maryland, Mr. Dunn, is pushing his socialist agenda!"

Harry Dunn: "I saved your unworthy ass on 1/6/21, so STFU."

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Don’t give republicans the credit of “half the nation.” That’s their conceit, but they’re more like 1/3. There’s another 1/3 that wouldn’t know a hero from a villain because they pay no attention and rarely vote. Then there’s the rest of us.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

True. They're MAYBE 1/3 by now! I assume many who didn't see Trump as a dangerous person to this country earlier now find his 1/6/21 actions since their last vote to be horrific. And I'm fairly certain he's lost more since then. Especially after his even more terrifying Fascist statements of late.

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Went to Act Blue and started monthly contribution of $25

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I made my $$$ contribution. Well, $$. Go thou and do likewise. MD’s CD3 needs him in the House.The whole effing country does.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

I wish Harry Dunn very good luck! Of course, voters would also need to hear some sort of a reasonable platform from him. But I think he'd make a fine, sensible Congressman. And yes, he's going to aggravate some of those on the "bad side" of Congress. Tough luck for them!

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Markwayne Muffin peed his pants a little at the thought of Dunn being in Washington.

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"Markwayne MUFFIN"


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He’s getting ready to bite him.

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Folks when Trump loses in November he's got to look for a new gig.

I hear the Golden Globes needs a new host for their 2025 show...😏

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Does it have a dressing room with naked teen girls he can perv on?

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

FYI for food people, especially followers of Kenji ( Serious Eats of yore) and Deb (Smitten Kitchen): they are apparently teaming up for a podcast. (Personally, i'm as big a fan of podcasts as Rebecca [which is to say not at all!], but this seems an intriguing odd-couple pairing.)

ETA; oops, meant to post this on TABS/OT---all apologies!

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Assuming it’s a blue district, and given Dunn’s high national profile, I think he’s got this one in the bag! Marvelous human being, he can only make the House better, maybe dilute some of that Greene/Boebert/Gaetz stink.

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Trump and his Thug Army tried to start another Civil War on Jan 6. Trump himself -- who claims the O.G. Civil War could have been negotiated if Lincoln wasn't such a dick -- did not offer to negotiate. Crooked Donnie wanted the United States of America to surrender unconditionally.

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still does---

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'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few' -- Winston Churchill talking about the RAF and, presciently, the Capitol Police.

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THIS is what genuine American patriotism LOOKS like, comrades.

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Judge Tanya Chutkan latest victim of swatting


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And now Jack Smith

If we had federal investigators worth a d*mn and not an FBI run by a Republican 10-to-1 they'd find these swatters were being run by the same crew


Probably masterminded by Roger Stone



This wasn't prosecuted either


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Drumpfenfuehrer intends to keep stirring up the shit until someone gets hurt.

I hope like HELL that when that inevitably occurs that it's HIM.

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Yep. Amped up police in military gear at a black persons home in the middle of the night always goes well.

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I just get the feeling that some nationalist group wearing plus-size flak jackets is playing the "Cry Wolf!" game with law enforcement. That scares the shit out of me...

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It's nuts how the GOP is all in on "The Big Lie", now people locked up for trashing the capitol are "hostage heroes" to the party of traitors and minority rule. How is this not a bigger story than it's being made out to be? Trump promising to pardon all of his foot soldiers is a clear signal that he wants MORE political violence here, not less. Why aren't we discussing the GOP's slide into lawlessness on the evening news? Democracy dies in darkness? How about democracy dies in broad daylight when nobody deems it newsworthy that a criminal element is trying to take over the country?

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Is anyone going on TikTok to talk about this with the Youngs?

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It's almost always the racism, sometimes greed and indifference to the plight of others, but mostly the racism. It's foundational to the 1/3 of the population that looks at Trump and sees a "savior" type.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Trump will continue encouraging others to act out on his behalf because he's GUILTY and he knows he's going to be found GUILTY. He should be behind bars and silenced. The others will get the message and either continue acting out, for which there are ramifications for them too.

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It's not a bigger story because it wouldn't be balanced and that would upset the Republican-supporting media owners. Remember they want their tax cuts!

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the Rethugs are now officially rogue domestic terrorists

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