What's the issue? If the U.S. destroyed ISIS, then the U.S. would just create another Islamic bogey man to terrorize the American public with.

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Total victory until the next heap of shit begins tomorrow.

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They didn't dedicate their lives to service and possibly watch friends die for Donald Fucking Trump, I tell you whut. There is a contingency plan for what is basically a military coup, I assure you.

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It also happened right after WW1. But then it was the British.

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The big issue is the backstabbing of the Kurds after they did so much to defeat ISIS. The Turks, our NATO allies, are bombing the Kurds using US supplied fighter planes. The same occurred in Iraq: once al qaeda/ISIS was defeated, in great part with the assistance of the Kurds, the Iraqis then turned on them using US-provided equipment.

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The generals are incompetent too, so pray for peace. We are in no position to be fighting (setting aside all the general objections to war)

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GHWB allowed Saddam to gas them after the Iraq/Iran War...

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We kind of deal with the Brits from time to time. Not that we don't use them as possible/needed.

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There are no "2,000 year-old grudge matches" in the region. You have to start with the end of WW I for that.

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Crusades: EuropeanCarving up of Ottoman Empire and new states made? European.

The Middle East gets "broken" when Europeans keep going back in.

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Head....should read " Head out of his ass ".....

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Its been a while since we really screwed them, so their turn is probably coming up.

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So the secret plan to destroy bigly the isis'ians is to betray the actual effective allies?

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Ah, but if he did that, he would never find his brains.

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With the added bonus that if our military, (and the CIA), wasn't over there they might not be quite so pissed at us.

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We could blame it on quartering Hessians, I guess.

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