that was one of the first things that came to my mind when I first heard about the baby cages.

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It's not much at all - but as they are being moved back and forth, they are getting fresh air and exercise.....sigh.....

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And we'd deserve it.

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Did my tweet work?

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So who in this goddam administration cares if things are “legal” or not?

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She really doesn’t care...do u?

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Yachting parties with Betsy DeVil?

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My question for these assholes would be “what part of HUMAN do you not understand?”These bleeping bleeps can all go bleep themselves with rusty farm implements.

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I really need some help interpreting that photo at the top and that video. Please help me out here. Which ones are the terrorists, and which ones are the drug dealer / rapists? It's so hard to tell from the angles. I don't have access to a Fox News contributer, so I am having to wing it here.

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You're not responsible for this nightmare! Just by virtue of your informed, progressive perspective you are a positive force within Texas borders!

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That's a very charitable view. My current plan is just to print up photos of the horrible human rights abuses, possibly caption them, and just stick them up like lost and found posters.

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Sigh yes so - going to be 'elected' and set miitias on police kind of snap? You people are dangerous - I just wish it could be contained to the USAsylum. Sorry.ETA not sure if I am sorry anymore. Deal with it. The world gives up. Well my bit

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My entire existence is my dark side.

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The Civil Rights Act happened.

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Raise hell?

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well, at least they weren't put into boxcars (yet?)

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