Ken doesn't know what "alleged" means.

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Random exhaustion- and wine-fueled thought re how refugees are all lazy welfare leeches (who will also steal your jerb, just not in this article) : boosting this narrative not only keeps the base het up about Lazy Skeery Brown People, but conveniently deflects attention away from who is really hoovering up their tax dollars - IE the filthy rich.

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I have 6 and 2, it's 3 that keeps hanging me up.

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It's a very fine distinction, which is what we lawyers live for, but let me explain the difference a bit more concretely.

Liberia was in civil war for all of the 1990s. During that time, thousands of people fled to neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone. They were classified as refugees. When the war ended, that status was lifted and they were largely expected to return home. In the late 2000s, I had a client applying for asylum in the US from Liberia. His father and brother had been assassinated during the war because they were leaders of a rival political faction to Charles Taylor, and because his family had ancestral rights to land that held large diamond deposits. My client's face was disfigured from where it had been beaten in by the butt of an AK-47. He also contracted HIV in hospital while he was being treated for his wounds. Because of his political status, even though the war was well over, he knew they would try to kill him again to steal his land. That's why he got to stay here in the end.

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My ancestors had the temerity to all invade here 300-400 years ago.

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I mean, everyone says Canada. I'm fluent in German and I like the country.

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Well... get with the pogr program!

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The cruelty is the point. They'd consider it a feature, not a bug.

Heard an interesting opinion on the CBC recently, which agrees with my suspicions: The [White-]People's Party isn't really intended to get seats, it's intended to move the Overton Window and normalize white nationalist discourse. To make it permissible to be openly, publicly racist, where it currently requires a wink and a nudge.

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The irony being, of course, that young Ms. Thunberg is from Sweden. A swing and a Miss!

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We solve problems by moving people from other areas to this one area.

In fact, we can solve our own poverty problem by moving our own impoverished into that area!!!

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We need to import people from other areas so our workers have more employment competition and lower wages, so that we have more people sprawling into our wilds spaces, so that we have more cars driven on our roads spewing exhaust into our air, so we have more congestion in our cities, so we have more people flushing more waste into our sewers and sending more trash to our landfills!!

Oh and we need to import more people from other areas so we have higher housing costs.

And when I'm driving I always think: "we need more cars on these roads, man!"

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White people are inherently evil and so it's blasphemous for them to act as a group.

All other peoples in the world, however, may behave as a people and act as a group.

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We solve problems by moving people from one area to another area.

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Miller's grandparents immigrated to this one area therefore we must bring people from other areas to that same area Miller's grandparents moved to.

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They're truly evil people and we must end immigration to prevent others from being exposed to them

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Miller doesn't want to move people from Area A to Area B therefore he hates the people of Area A.

Only Nazis want to prevent population increase of Area B. It's virtuous to increase the population of Area B.

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