When pigs fly...

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Have they been reading their Bibles backwards?

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<blockquote>So if you carry the four, and x equals the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow</blockquote>

An African or European swallow?

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When Americans think of farmers, they think of poor, but proud, folk looking stoically into the horizon surrounded by endless waves of golden grain in the Midwest or quaint New England farms in autumn surrounded by colorful leaves and bountiful harvests, family affairs where everyone pitches in and learns the value of hard work and sober frugality, and who could dare vote against Grandmaw and Grandpaw Clempett like that?! Of course, these days farms are really just big business plantations, and no true American slob would be caught dead in a field in July, but the image sure is purdy, isn't it?

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"The jury is still out on whether or not anthropomorphic honey color change is real or not, and besides, the Chinese something argle bargle LOOK OVER THERE"

--Reputable Scientist, Not At All Funded By Big Candy

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Even Marie Antoinette would have let me have some cake.

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As Ann Romney told an interviewer during the 2012 campaign, "We've already given <i>you people</i> everything you're going to get." She was ostensibly talking about tax returns, but really about taxes which, as we all know, are just government theft.

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Food stamps were a way of getting around welfare fraud by ensuring benefits went to food. Now we see that the problem was not "fraud" but "benefits".

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More money and space will be needed for pauper's graves. I can hear the GOP complaining already.

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