Has Sean the oh so offended listened carefully to NRA board member Ted Nugent's catalog?

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See, Prince is the same as 50-Cent and Jay-Z because he's black and he makes music, therefore he's a rapper.

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If Sean liked rap music, that would mean that it was over.

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Bad language is just like slavery. And Hannity is just like a normal human.

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I'll see your Jim Carrey and raise a Big Daddy.


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You're the Anti-Kristol!

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“Doesn’t she use the B-word in reference to women? Gasp, does Beyonce call women Bristol?

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Congrats, Sean! Your fame has spread to Norwegian newspapers! Everyone thinks you're really smart and awesome and not at all racist!

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Now I'm curious. Where can I see it?

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I'm interested to see how many people start putting confederate flag stickers on their cars, wearing confederate flag clothes and flying the flag in their yards in protest. Personally I'm going to say fuck it, jump to the next rung and start putting the swastikas everywhere.

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I prefer Brother Ali.

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Winter is coming...

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Sounds like your bank sucks. Are there no Credit Unions in your area?

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... it's certainly the Faux News strategery... I'm convinced their talking heads are told to shout over any guest who doesn't spew the Murdoch/Ailes orthodoxy. And yes, now that you mention it, whenever a conservative mouthpiece is given a mic elsewhere (like, say CNN) all they do is interrupt and loudly talk over the host and/or other guests. It's annoying, infuriating, and not at all how adults have a conversation. Perhaps I have different standards when it comes to reasoned debate.

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Absolutely the money. Including the fact these big-name retailers will not lose on their inventory investment. They may divest themselves of the merchandise but it will NOT be headed to the landfill. It will be re-sold on the secondary market, or given away, and if any loss is incurred on either it will be assigned a tax write-off. They win on the PR front because it makes them look conscientious. Insiders (bean counters and spin doctors) know better. Some of us 'outsiders' too.

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... ah, yes. Nina Simone. Truly a remarkable talent.


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