What's the Diva Of Faux Outrage got to say about this? Probably not much; I mean, it's not like they used the word 'retard' in their video of non-stop lulz.

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Ironic that the diva wanna be's who need us the most, are the least likely to realize it. Happy New Year, Elvis.

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Winston Churchill observed the foundations of the Royal Navy were rum, sodomy and the lash.

These vidoes need more rum. And the lash.

["The Lash" would make a great Wonkette handle - up there (or, if you prefer, down there) - with "Pacific Rimmer" and "Luggage Lifter."]

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Giving new meaning to "cabinboy" - as in "Come into my cabin, boy!"

Meanwhile, there is something slightly fay about "The Virginian-Pilot." You betcha!

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These guys are so busy making movies where do they find the time to do the killing?

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Lemme understand -- these are the STRAIGHT officers doing teh gai-sex videos, right? What does this leave for the GAY officers to do?

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Wow, first we gotta relive the Clarence Thomas hearings, now the Tailhook scandal.

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it (in summer school), indeed!

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To all you uber-macho straight men out there. When you guys try to mix jokes with sodomy, just, don't. You're doin' BOTH RONG.

They were going for anal, and wound up with banal.

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