Soylent Green IS everybody!

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I read that as crazy eyed corn buggerers

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More than half of all Congressional wages used to buy cocaine and hookers.

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Just as long as they lay off the Jim Beam.

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Sometimes it's best to leave the math to the professionals, kids.

Professionals meaning the person behind the register at Walmart who rolls their eyes when you whip out your SNAP card, but is only making $7.35 an hour themselves.

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...as someone who has dealt with the "poors" in a past life(my parents owned a couple of daycare centers in low income neighborhoods and I was a manager at a Wal-Mart in an extremely bad area), the food options for people on SNAP is bull shyt. Remember a little while ago when Michelle Obama wanted to improve overall food quality!? All of a sudden there was this uprising of self independence! Well fukk that, when you make poor people decide between healthy dinners that cost $15 and a pack of fukkin ramen noodles for $1, guess what?<strong> IM BUYING THE FUKKIN NOOODLES</strong>

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