Is real different than actual? Meh.

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You're quite welcome. It was reading 'Slacktivist' that pointed me to Wonkette, so I like to return the favour.

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I will, thanks!

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yep. and the irony in all that is that the pilgrims went to the new world to get away from persecution and such.

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which is also exactly why the nuts want the establishment clause eroded and ultimately either rendered meaningless or gone altogether.

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Correction, Robyn: There is no such thing as a progressive Repuglican. The last one was Harold Stassen.

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Well, Mrs., I don't LIKE the Bloody Marys they soive on the plane. They're too boining. They don't use tomato juice, they use that Snappy Pepe. Remember Murray Weintraub......?

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It would be dangerous to run against him. Deputies raided his estranged wife's house in the middle of the night and a K9 attacked her as she slept nearly tearing her ear off.

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Ugh, this is really being investigated by an adult person entrusted with law enforcement duties? Sherriff Mike Smith needs to be removed from his position, for being a complete moron. Edit, also too heaven forbid they investigate the fringy LDS extremist child bride branches running amok in the Utah hinterlands.

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The Pilgrim/Puritans knew all about Xmas and it's pagan origins. They were not to be taken in by the thin gauze of jeezus birthday hoo-ha, they saw it for the ritual celebrating the old gawds that it was/is. Saturnalia party time!!!

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Why would they ever touch those good men

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Don't know what you mean-- I think you've got it turned around. Very few books contain what you say they do, and fundamentalists don't see the pilgrims that way. Why would they? Catholics, maybe. Indians maybe.

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I don't think I ever heard of anything quite so freakish as him claiming the money he stole from her as for "therapy for himself" after she so harmed him and then demanding she write out a confession of her "sex addiction." Just about lays it bare from A-Z.

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Is this your county?

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These little towns don't have any money. The people who live there don't have any money and their representatives aren't any good usually because the residents have to work so much and aren't educated enough to realize they can fight. I remember reading about a coroner who had to buy a refrigerator himself to keep a body in a murder case.

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