You'd go straight for Scarlett? ;-)

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I like to believe that these incredibly shitty arguments are the death rattle of the opposition to equality.

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This is like that judge who doesn't want to perform homo marriages because it's damaging to their kids to grow up facing the kind of prejudice that people like him practice against the gaysexuals.

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Going over the head of the Guardian ad litum's recommendation? Wow. Just wow. He just shit down the throat of the prior judge involved with the appointment.

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Yeah, just like opponents of racially mixed marriages back in the day* were just concerned for the poor kids.

*Not so many days ago, in some cases.

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Don't be blaming that dickbrainery stuff on us over this side of the water. You'll never see any magic underwear in Cornhole, they've usually got none on to be ready when the moment is right

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Will the State of Utah be Anderson Cooper's Sponsor?


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"Straight" overstates the case, but let's just say I'm only human.

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I published several books on judges in the 90s and they included attorney reviews of their demeanor, et cetera, and the judges didn't like that one little bit. Caused a stir, in fact.

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In a very Loving sort of way.

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I'm such an old fart that I actually remember Life magazine publishing a letter from some Southern fried fuckhead saying, "The Lovings were thinking only of themselves, not of their children."

Yeah, lady, how inconsiderate of them to not allow bigots like you to run their lives.

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What you did there . . . I saw it.

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"7th District Court Juvenile Judge Scott Johansen"His actual title, according to the Tribune article - unless they're just trolling him.

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