If it were men who were the keepers of the uterus, and responsible for THE decision, they would build abortion drive through services. There would be a full bar, and it would be conveniently located next to a nearby Walmart.

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TRAP laws are annoying on their faces, but when you see how many of the authors of these bills have deep connections to ALEC (yes, Jodie Laubenberg, who I will be listening to tomorrow and Thursday for work stuff) is/was the president of the TX division of ALEC.

go make sure your voter reg is up to date and make a plan for where, when, with who you will vote with and how you will fill out your ballot today!


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We all know that men are primarily behind these abortion laws. Why? Well, men provided half the DNA to the sacred fetus, so, of course you can't barbarically rip out those precious dividing cells that contain MAN STUFF!!!!!!! Stands to reason.

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Or, get off on my porch?

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Nah. It's just an easy way to knock out competition.

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Somehow, I get the feeling that Utahns that back these stupid laws will disregard a study done by those damned California liberal academics. The study is all lies from frrom the pit of hell ( Oops, that was Georgian Paul Broun, per evolution. My bad! )

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Get off my porch.

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Republicunts passed them? Just a guess.

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"Better yet, they could take some time away from helping corporate welfare recipients and set up quality child care facilities and other programs to help families..."I'll be on the lookout for this kind of civilized behavior the very next time a herd of swine roosts in one of my trees.

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Forced-birthers don't care about babies or life. They only want to control and punish women for having sex. They want to force women to suffer, to have an unwanted 9-month pregnancy, painful childbirth, and to be responsible for another human being for 18 years, without help, the sinner must live in penury and want, and so too must the bastard child suffer for his mother's sins.

You can't force a man to donate a kidney to save an actual sentient life, you can't force someone to donate blood, even a corpse can't have its organs removed without its explicit prior consent. Yet they want to force a woman to give up her entire body to to "save" a non-sentient clump of cells the size of an apple seed.

It's amazing that they've managed to skew the dialogue to make it appear that their vicious, medieval religious extremism is somehow "loving" or even "acceptable."

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Don't you understand? Women are chattel, vessels, like a plot of land that you own and can fertilize or grow crops on. A plot of land doesn't decide when it's going to grow a crop! How silly would that be! So, this is EXACTLY the same!!!

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Worse, they're forced-birthers who want to impose a medieval religious extremism on half the population.

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Well, if you understand it as vicious misogyny designed to keep women in their place, it at least has its own logic.

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Also, how dare you not save Mister Jeffs' life, you know he needs a kidney, so we're taking your kidney too. Don't you care about LIFE?

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I believe Astraea is having the sarcasm.

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I'm pretty sure they think we're irrational all the time, it just gets worse when pregnant.

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