Mrs. H. manages eight of those facilities for our state and she got her first shot last week, She'll get her second shot next week we hope. I'm perfectly happy with her and her fellow caregivers (as well as the people they're caring for) being in the front of the line. Hell, my sister should have my place in line because she's a cashier in a convenience store in a non-mask-required state.

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🎵Hit me with your best shot🎵

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Yes. In some venues it can take hours if you're lucky. My wife has been checking for openings for us several times a day for a week now that we olds are on the list around here. No luck yet. Some folks do not have vehicles and depend on spotty public transport. In rural areas old, sick, or lame folks can be scattered across many miles. Not every person has smart phones, and audio only call centers are swamped in many areas. Somehow, no matter how irritated that makes you, this will not change quickly. Nor will the various state governments.

Talk about high horses, partner! I'm glad you are well situated and know whom to blame for any troubles that are brought to your attention, but that changes little for other folks.

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Well, at least they have access to vaccines even if elderly people actually getting them is a hot mess. My mother has been checking daily. She was calling her doctor who did not know. Which, in no way surprises me. My kid’s pediatrician didn’t know of anywhere offering small children flu shots outside of the clinic. We’re not going to the doctor when 20% of the people going in are testing positive for covid. People couldn’t figure out how to get covid tests in Texas until May. Anyway, she finally found out the website to check and the number to call from a friend at church, but they don’t have vaccines yet! I’m glad she has enough tech savvy, but it is an absolute hot mess here. The information is next to impossible to find and had been all along. I’m sorry, but when you call your do tor during a pandemic, they should have information and they don’t. Complete and total failure of coordination.

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I get sick of seeing nurses posting pics of them out partying...

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The second shot comes four weeks after the first.

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If I read about that Canadian couple, my head will explode. Ta, Dok.

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Interesting! I loved Wyoming in general, Peak was a shit show though, at the time I wasn't experienced enough to know how bad it actually was which probably helped. I moved to Colorado in 2012 when I met my husband, but we are hoping to move back to Wyoming this coming year. I own a private practice, which is now completely online, so hubby just needs to find something remote as well. I've always loved the Sheridan area so we're looking there. It's nice to meet a fellow travelers and it always cracks me up how small of a state it is. 😊

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Ironically, that would be WV. I'm utterly shocked that this state is doing so well at vaccinating, & you couldn't prove it by me or pretty much anyone I know. But we got HAMMERED at the statehouse in 2020, & WV is a state that CONSISTENTLY votes against its best interests. I'm quite politically active here & have been in other states in which I've lived, so I do have a good frame of reference.

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Good people are always welcome...kanye was a fluke. 😉If you want to hire a spmi peer specialist, hit me up. I left Wyoming many times in a hurry, for many years, in FoCo and Denver primarily, but often found myself back here and now it's a great homebase for my adventures.

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Damn. Very different in Illinois. Everyone I know in congregate facilities, including ones that are just residential and not "care" facilities, are all vaccinated (and all giving me grief because they seem to think I can just waltz in somewhere and get vaxed). Like it's somehow me that is the impediment. It's very anxiety-inducing.

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She can't take the vaccine, or any vaccine, she has a severe reaction and so her doctor has told her to not take it.

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The two office mates of mine who are often physically at the COVID testing site for our organization got their first jabs last week as part of phase 1A.

Still waiting to hear when my disabled sister who lives in a group home will be offered it. She shouldn't have any contraindications against it, and she's supposed to be part of phase 1A.....

Next in line should be my sister, my husband, and my sister in law, who are all in-person educators, who are classed as phase 1B.

I'm higher priority than I thought for my organization because of comorbidities (read: too fat) but no news at all, and since I'm comfortably working from home and have K494 masks for when I do have to go out, I'm okay waiting.

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I'd suggest good old fashioned phone banking, except the stupid car warranty scams have made everyone in the country simply refuse to answer the phone from unknown numbers. It'll have to be done via medical providers, community outreach, or some other familiar person contacting them.

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Heh. More of a scotch man myself but I loves me some Knob Creek!

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Level 0 users, is what we call them. They do not use computers regularly, have access to a computer, have access to the Internet, let alone have the experience, skills, and knowledge needed to perform a simple task like signing up for a shot. A good third of the world is level 0.

Almost all of the other folks are level 1 or level 2; they have access to the Internet and the basic level of tech savvy needed to perform tasks like signing up for a shot. Level 3 users are less than 5% of the population, and they're the ones designing things or coding them or writing the instructions for levels 1 and 2....

But we cannot ask the level 3s to take care of the level 0s, because they do not have access to the technology at all. It takes an analog outreach program using NON-TECH methods, and the project managers in charge of the vaccine rollout don't even seem to acknowledge that problem.

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