Since the General is white, he was just pleasantly surprised she hadn't asked for "more M'F'ing Chardonnay" though.

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Yes, but he invaded France or California or some other wine country to get it though.

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Camo waiter uniforms have been around for years. Whenever I need my water glass filled or more cheese on my cheese fries, I can't spot a waiter/waitress/server anywhere. That camo is like magic.

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Well at least she didn't call him "Boy". She didn't right?

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!?!?!?!?11 or GTFO.

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I'm going to look to see how the NuHuffPo reports on the inevitable comments Rush Limbaugh will make on this item. The degree of outrage will be an indicator of whether and how fast the editorial dirrection will be changing.

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Via CNN:<i> The incident was first reported on the website Daily Caller, which said Chiarelli, who oversees the Army's programs to help ill and wounded troops from the war, went ahead and got Jarrett a glass of wine. Chiarelli tells CNN that's not exactly what happened.

"As a 'laugh' I poured her a glass of wine -- it was only good fun. Yes, it was an honest mistake and anyone who says otherwise is trying to make it something it was not," Chiarelli said.</i>

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