Er, what mostly distinguishes Protestantism from Roman Catholicism is that Protestants hold to <i>sola fide</i>, the doctrine that salvation can be achieved through faith alone. This specifically excludes good works. In any case, as an atheist I'm not impressed to be told I can be redeemed by still-dead Jesus, nor that I can get into a non-existent heaven in an afterlife I won't have.

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Wait ... who is this? James Dobson isn't the pope?

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That's Calvinism and its evil stepchildren, the Baptists and Methodists, but not all Protestant sects reject the idea that Works can help get you into heaven. Luther's Sola fide includes the necessity of Works, but IIRC states that Works alone won't do the trick.

And of course the Jews and Muslins are big on Works.

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I hear that he's really the exorcist to ask for.

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<em>What</em> is with all the italics? Is this a subtle way of saying that the New Pope leans to the right?

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