If you get the chicken to sign a consent form, you're good to go.

I think you should be able to eat road kill, so keep an eye out for roadside bacon.

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"The dogs are lying. They eat every lump of cat shit they can find, for nutrition."

Truer than you realize. A vegan dog would suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, and catshit (thanks to colonic bacteria) has plenty. Human vegans also suffer B12 deficiency, with seriously unpleasant consequences, unless they take supplements, or eat lots of yummy algae. Or catshit.

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The <strike> animals, the animals </strike> vegetables, the vegetables Trapped trapped trapped till the cage is full...

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Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs.

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This. It's not her veganism that got her into trouble, but her negligent child care. And when the subject is someone, especially an adult, especially a mother with a newborn child, who professes such an uncritical thought process while making seriously dangerous decisions regarding her baby less than two weeks after giving birth, one must consider whether there is a mental health issue involved, i.e. postpartum depression/psychosis. Her incongruous affect post-arrest is another big red flag here.

I suspect that the veganism will turn out to be a superficial issue, and that the bigger one is an incipient psychopathology related to postpartum issues.

This woman needs help, and it has nothing to do with her dietary regime.

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The situation is much more serious than just derpiness. She is showing some signs of postpartum <i>depression</i> and even psychosis. This is a very dangerous condition! It may not look like it right now, but this new mother is likely in serious danger of harming herself and her baby if she regains custody of it before her problems are addressed.

Despite the snarky take in the coverage so far, there is really nothing funny about this situation.

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I donut carrot all for this vegan beetsness.

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Have you noticed whenever vegans describe vegan food, it always has the adjective "delicious" in front of it? As in "delicious vegan food" or "delicious vegan cookies" which they never, ever are. And they never make regular bread (which is already vegan), they only make baked items that require dairy.

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Think about the toxins! And what about her <a href="http:\/\/www.christianitytoday.com\/gleanings\/2014\/february\/parents-sentenced-to-prison-for-belief-prayer-faith-healing.html\?paging=off" target="_blank">sincerely-held beliefs</a>?

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you boil mice?

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just watch out for that Hitler girl

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no, he eats Hammond B-3's

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I had one in college- I discovered the trick was to abuse the hell out of it. The worse I treated it, the better it ran

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Ladies and gentlemen: The Luis Suarez defense.

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They're all from the Vegsphere

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