Nobody should ever face being treated like a criminal and a permanent criminal record over marijuana because marijuana is much safer than perfectly legal alcohol.

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Medical marijuana saves lives!

Nobody should be criminalized over marijuana because marijuana remains much safer than perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised, even glorified as an All American pastime alcohol consumption.

Medical marijuana is much safer than daily handfuls of deadly, highly addictive, toxic, man-made narcotic pain pills and other pharmaceuticals with tons of nasty, unwanted, life-draining side effects up to and including death.

Nobody can deny the Medical effectiveness of Medical Marijuana. Below is a small sampling of Professional Medical Organizations Worldwide that attest to Medical Marijuana's effectiveness and Support Legal Access to and Use of Medical Marijuana. . Along with over 20 U.S states that have legalized medical marijuana.

Are they ALL wrong?

International and National Organizations

AIDS Action Council

AIDS Treatment News

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Medical Student Association

American Nurses Association

American Preventive Medical Association

American Public Health Association

American Society of Addiction Medicine

Arthritis Research Campaign (United Kingdom)

Australian Medical Association (New South Wales) Limited

Australian National Task Force on Cannabis

Belgian Ministry of Health

British House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology

British House of Lords Select Committee On Science and Technology (Second Report)

British Medical Association

Canadian AIDS Society

Canadian Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs

Dr. Dean Edell (surgeon and nationally syndicated radio host)

French Ministry of Health

Health Canada

Kaiser Permanente

Lymphoma Foundation of America

The Montel Williams MS Foundation

Multiple Sclerosis Society (Canada)

The Multiple Sclerosis Society (United Kingdom)

National Academy of Sciences Institute Of Medicine (IOM)

National Association for Public Health Policy

National Nurses Society on Addictions

Netherlands Ministry of Health

New England Journal of Medicine

New South Wales (Australia) Parliamentary Working Party on the Use of Cannabis for Medical Purposes

Dr. Andrew Weil (nationally recognized professor of internal medicine and founder of the National Integrative Medicine Council)

State and Local Organizations

Alaska Nurses Association

Being Alive: People With HIV/AIDS Action Committee (San Diego, CA)

California Academy of Family Physicians

California Nurses Association

California Pharmacists Association

Colorado Nurses Association

Connecticut Nurses Association

Florida Governor's Red Ribbon Panel on AIDS

Florida Medical Association

Hawaii Nurses Association

Illinois Nurses Association

Life Extension Foundation

Medical Society of the State of New York

Mississippi Nurses Association

New Jersey State Nurses Association

New Mexico Medical Society

New Mexico Nurses Association

New York County Medical Society

New York State Nurses Association

North Carolina Nurses Association

Rhode Island Medical Society

Rhode Island State Nurses Association

San Francisco Mayor's Summit on AIDS and HIV

San Francisco Medical Society

Vermont Medical Marijuana Study Committee

Virginia Nurses Association

Whitman-Walker Clinic (Washington, DC)

Wisconsin Nurses Association

Additional AIDS Organizations

The following organizations are signatories to a February 17, 1999 letter to the US Department of Health petitioning the federal government to "make marijuana legally available … to people living with AIDS."

AIDS Action Council

AIDS Foundation of Chicago

AIDS National Interfaith Network (Washington, DC)

AIDS Project Arizona

AIDS Project Los Angeles

Being Alive: People with HIV/AIDS Action Committee (San Diego, CA)

Boulder County AIDS Project (Boulder, CO)

Colorado AIDS Project

Center for AIDS Services (Oakland, CA)

Health Force: Women and Men Against AIDS (New York, NY)

Latino Commission on AIDS

Mobilization Against AIDS (San Francisco, CA)

Mothers Voices to End AIDS (New York, NY)

National Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender Association

National Native American AIDS Prevention Center

Northwest AIDS Foundation

People of Color Against AIDS Network (Seattle, WA)

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Whitman-Walker Clinic (Washington, DC)

Other Health Organizations

The following organizations are signatories to a June 2001 letter to the US Department of Health petitioning the federal government to "allow people suffering from serious illnesses … to apply to the federal government for special permission to use marijuana to treat their symptoms."

Addiction Treatment Alternatives

AIDS Treatment Initiatives (Atlanta, GA)

American Public Health Association

American Preventive Medical Association

Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights (San Francisco, CA)

California Legislative Council for Older Americans

California Nurses Association

California Pharmacists Association

Embrace Life (Santa Cruz, CA)

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

Hawaii Nurses Association

Hepatitis C Action and Advisory Coalition

Life Extension Foundation

Maine AIDS Alliance

Minnesota Nurses Association

Mississippi Nurses Association

National Association of People with AIDS

National Association for Public Health Policy

National Women's Health Network

Nebraska AIDS Project

New Mexico Nurses Association

New York City AIDS Housing Network

New York State Nurses Association Ohio Patient Network Okaloosa AIDS Support and Information Services (Fort Walton, FL)

Physicians for Social Responsibility - Oregon

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Virginia Nurses Association

Wisconsin Nurses Association

Health Organizations Supporting Medical Marijuana Research

International and National Organizations

American Cancer Society

American Medical Association

British Medical Journal

California Medical Association

California Society on Addiction Medicine

Congress of Nursing Practice

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

Jamaican National Commission on Ganja

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Workshop on the Medical Utility of Marijuana

Texas Medical Association

Vermont Medical Society

Wisconsin State Medical Society

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Nobody can deny the Medical effectiveness of Medical Marijuana. Below is a small sampling of Professional Medical Organizations Worldwide that attest to Medical Marijuana's effectiveness and Support Legal Access to and Use of Medical Marijuana. . Along with over 20 U.S states that have legalized medical marijuana.

Are they ALL wrong?

International and National Organizations

AIDS Action Council

AIDS Treatment News

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Medical Student Association

American Nurses Association

American Preventive Medical Association

American Public Health Association

American Society of Addiction Medicine

Arthritis Research Campaign (United Kingdom)

Australian Medical Association (New South Wales) Limited

Australian National Task Force on Cannabis

Belgian Ministry of Health

British House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology

British House of Lords Select Committee On Science and Technology (Second Report)

British Medical Association

Canadian AIDS Society

Canadian Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs

Dr. Dean Edell (surgeon and nationally syndicated radio host)

French Ministry of Health

Health Canada

Kaiser Permanente

Lymphoma Foundation of America

The Montel Williams MS Foundation

Multiple Sclerosis Society (Canada)

The Multiple Sclerosis Society (United Kingdom)

National Academy of Sciences Institute Of Medicine (IOM)

National Association for Public Health Policy

National Nurses Society on Addictions

Netherlands Ministry of Health

New England Journal of Medicine

New South Wales (Australia) Parliamentary Working Party on the Use of Cannabis for Medical Purposes

Dr. Andrew Weil (nationally recognized professor of internal medicine and founder of the National Integrative Medicine Council)

State and Local Organizations

Alaska Nurses Association

Being Alive: People With HIV/AIDS Action Committee (San Diego, CA)

California Academy of Family Physicians

California Nurses Association

California Pharmacists Association

Colorado Nurses Association

Connecticut Nurses Association

Florida Governor's Red Ribbon Panel on AIDS

Florida Medical Association

Hawaii Nurses Association

Illinois Nurses Association

Life Extension Foundation

Medical Society of the State of New York

Mississippi Nurses Association

New Jersey State Nurses Association

New Mexico Medical Society

New Mexico Nurses Association

New York County Medical Society

New York State Nurses Association

North Carolina Nurses Association

Rhode Island Medical Society

Rhode Island State Nurses Association

San Francisco Mayor's Summit on AIDS and HIV

San Francisco Medical Society

Vermont Medical Marijuana Study Committee

Virginia Nurses Association

Whitman-Walker Clinic (Washington, DC)

Wisconsin Nurses Association

Additional AIDS Organizations

The following organizations are signatories to a February 17, 1999 letter to the US Department of Health petitioning the federal government to "make marijuana legally available … to people living with AIDS."

AIDS Action Council

AIDS Foundation of Chicago

AIDS National Interfaith Network (Washington, DC)

AIDS Project Arizona

AIDS Project Los Angeles

Being Alive: People with HIV/AIDS Action Committee (San Diego, CA)

Boulder County AIDS Project (Boulder, CO)

Colorado AIDS Project

Center for AIDS Services (Oakland, CA)

Health Force: Women and Men Against AIDS (New York, NY)

Latino Commission on AIDS

Mobilization Against AIDS (San Francisco, CA)

Mothers Voices to End AIDS (New York, NY)

National Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender Association

National Native American AIDS Prevention Center

Northwest AIDS Foundation

People of Color Against AIDS Network (Seattle, WA)

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Whitman-Walker Clinic (Washington, DC)

Other Health Organizations

The following organizations are signatories to a June 2001 letter to the US Department of Health petitioning the federal government to "allow people suffering from serious illnesses … to apply to the federal government for special permission to use marijuana to treat their symptoms."

Addiction Treatment Alternatives

AIDS Treatment Initiatives (Atlanta, GA)

American Public Health Association

American Preventive Medical Association

Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights (San Francisco, CA)

California Legislative Council for Older Americans

California Nurses Association

California Pharmacists Association

Embrace Life (Santa Cruz, CA)

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

Hawaii Nurses Association

Hepatitis C Action and Advisory Coalition

Life Extension Foundation

Maine AIDS Alliance

Minnesota Nurses Association

Mississippi Nurses Association

National Association of People with AIDS

National Association for Public Health Policy

National Women's Health Network

Nebraska AIDS Project

New Mexico Nurses Association

New York City AIDS Housing Network

New York State Nurses Association Ohio Patient Network Okaloosa AIDS Support and Information Services (Fort Walton, FL)

Physicians for Social Responsibility - Oregon

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Virginia Nurses Association

Wisconsin Nurses Association

Health Organizations Supporting Medical Marijuana Research

International and National Organizations

American Cancer Society

American Medical Association

British Medical Journal

California Medical Association

California Society on Addiction Medicine

Congress of Nursing Practice

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

Jamaican National Commission on Ganja

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Workshop on the Medical Utility of Marijuana

Texas Medical Association

Vermont Medical Society

Wisconsin State Medical Society

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"[A] federal policy that prohibits physicians from alleviating suffering by prescribing marijuana for seriously ill patients is misguided, heavy-handed, and inhumane." — Dr. Jerome Kassirer, "Federal Foolishness and Marijuana," editorial, New England Journal of Medicine, January 30, 1997

"[The AAFP accepts the use of medical marijuana] under medical supervision and control for specific medical indications." — American Academy of Family Physicians, 1989, reaffirmed in 2001

"[We] recommend … allow[ing] [marijuana] prescription where medically appropriate." — National Association for Public Health Policy, November 15, 1998

"Therefore be it resolved that the American Nurses Association will: — Support the right of patients to have safe access to therapeutic marijuana/cannabis under appropriate prescriber supervision." — American Nurses Association, resolution, 2003

"The National Nurses Society on Addictions urges the federal government to remove marijuana from the Schedule I category immediately, and make it available for physicians to prescribe. NNSA urges the American Nurses' Association and other health care professional organizations to support patient access to this medicine." — National Nurses Society on Addictions, May 1, 1995

"[M]arijuana has an extremely wide acute margin of safety for use under medical supervision and cannot cause lethal reactions … [G]reater harm is caused by the legal consequences of its prohibition than possible risks of medicinal use." — American Public Health Association, Resolution #9513, "Access to Therapeutic Marijuana/Cannabis," 1995

"When appropriately prescribed and monitored, marijuana/cannabis can provide immeasurable benefits for the health and well-being of our patients … We support state and federal legislation not only to remove criminal penalties associated with medical marijuana, but further to exclude marijuana/cannabis from classification as a Schedule I drug." — American Academy of HIV Medicine, letter to New York Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, November 11, 2003

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In the prohibitionist's world, anybody who consumes the slightest amount of marijuana responsibly in the privacy of their own homes are "stoners" and "dopers" that need to be incarcerated in order to to protect society.

In their world, any marijuana use equates to marijuana abuse, and it is their God given duty to worry about "saving us all" from the "evils" of marijuana use.

Who are they to tell us we can't choose marijuana, the safer choice instead alcohol for relaxation, after a long, hard day, in the privacy of our own homes?

People who use marijuana are smart, honest, hard working, educated, and successful people too, who "follow the law" also.(except for their marijuana consumption under it's current prohibition of course) .

Not the stereotypical live at home losers prohibitionists make us out to be. We are doctors, lawyers, professors, movie stars, and politicians too.

Several Presidents of The United States themselves, along with Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, and Carl Sagan have all confessed to their marijuana use. As have a long and extensive list of successful people throughout history at one point or other in their lives.

Although, that doesn't mean a damned thing to people who will make comments like "dopers" and "stoners" about anybody who uses the slightest amount of Marijuana although it is way safer than alcohol.

To these people any use equals abuse, and that is really ignorant and full of hypocrisy. While our society promotes, glorifies, and advertises alcohol consumption like it's an All American pastime.

There is nothing worse about relaxing with a little marijuana after a long, hard day, than having a drink or two of alcohol.

So come off those high horses of yours. Who are you to dictate to the rest of society that we can't enjoy Marijuana, the safer choice over alcohol, in the privacy of our own homes?

We've worked real hard our whole lives to provide for our loved ones. We don't appreciate prohibitionists trying to impose their will and morals upon us all.

Has a marijuana user ever tried to force you to use it? Probably not. So nobody has the right to force us not to either.

Don't try to impose your morality and "clean living" upon all of us with Draconian Marijuana Laws, and we won't think you're such prohibitionist hypocrites.

Legalize Nationwide! Support Each and Every Marijuana Legalization Initiative!

Speaking about Morals and Sins, Prohibitionists often ask: "How do you know Marijuana is a Gift From God?"

This is how we know:

Genesis 1:29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 9:3 - Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Genesis 1:11 - And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Genesis 1:30 - And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Proverbs 15:17 - Better [is] a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

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No, it has a healthy whine industry,

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Alcohol is one of a short list of drugs where withdrawal can kill you. It's extremely dangerous, yet it's legal while much less destructive drugs are not.

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Mary Jane is legal in two states.In 23 states it is legal to have sex with your horse.Exceptional America

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I agree 100%. And so does Vermont. Or so I've been told.

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In defense of my soon-to-be ex-state, Sunday sales were OK'ed a year or two ago. I think it's only after 12pm though, so if you need a drink before noon you have to go to church and hope transubstantiation is broken.

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Dude, take a break. You're preaching to the choir here.

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Brian, dude, I agree with what you say.

But you're taking WAAAAAAY too many words to say it. This is not in tune with the culture of this site. Also, you're repeating yourself.

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It's called Nyquil. And it works!

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Now that's what real patriots look like!

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Clearly, people should drink only as much as their employer says they can. It's the American way.

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