Haven't heard o' that 'un. Thanks!

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They're not the cheapest, at $12 CAD for a relatively tiny pint jar, but they're as organic as can be and all-natural, and yes delicious.

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So, now that the Washington Post has corrected its story and explained where things went wrong, we can all look forward to a follow-on wave of wrong conclusions, like people insisting you can’t believe a damn thing you read in the papers, ever.

Guess who has an almost sitcom-ish level of timing...


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It's probably in "mountain time"

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"In this age of computer, nobody knows anything."

Damn straight! I mean, how do we know Putin is a bad man? The "news outlets" say so but they make mistakes all the time.

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I thought Wapo was the only paper to even attempt to investigate trump? Or are you talking editorials?

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Gawd, my dog's nickname is Mr. Pants! Maybe we're secretly the same person? (His real name is McKinley but I call him Pants so often I'm not sure he knows it.)

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I'd been wondering what the Russians' motive for hacking the Vermont power grid could be...disrupting the strategic maple syrup reserve?

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But his reply would just be weasel words.

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How do we know that WAPO hasn't been hacked and Putin is editing all their articles? Could that be why the 7 day weather outlook is for the Metro Moscow area now, Hermmm???

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Isn't Grizzly Steppe a sort of electronic music?

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Can't it be both?

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So, maybe we should pool our money and buy a part of it. To serve as a seed for when we have to set up a new one.

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I hope someone is keeping a list....

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