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The "CPB inspection" was in fact the interrogation described in the article, and the "information discovered" the BS stuff the border guards found for those like you with a reading comprehension problem.The kid was already entering the country legally from Lebanon so must have already obtained a visa with all necessary checks completed that entails (because all the security checks you pretend this is about are carried out before a visa is issued - that's how international travel works) and then a bunch of bored border guards stopped him for no reason at all and then found BS excuses on Facebook to send him home again. Which is the point you are either missing or deliberately obscuriing.And, no, the Lebanese government is not a terrorist organisation: Hezbollah, while their political wing has seats in the Lebanese Parliament (rather like Sinn Fein has seats in the UK one) are not, in fact, the government of Lebanon.

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I can't think too highly of Harvard just because they sent me a LOT of stuff to try to get me to apply when I was a senior in high school. I got the brochures, the FAFSA forms, etc. And paraphrasing Groucho Marx, I wouldn't want to attend a school that would have me. D; (Although, seeing as I wasn't even near the top ten students at my school, not sure why they seemed interested. I didn't bother applying, though, due to the $50 fee.)

I wonder how long until I'll go out of the country and be unable to get back in considering how many of my friends hate our government and are pro-socialism/communism. Although, then again, since I don't look anything like my mother, I'm assumed to be white so I guess that's okay.

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Luckily, we know where some "detention facilities" are located.

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Here’s what a journalist went through to re-enter the country....and he’s a US citizen from Austin. https://theintercept.com/20...Helpful tip, never give your phones password to a CBP agent.

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Oh Facebook, is there ANYTHING you won't fuck up?

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I hate the name homeland. I do love the TV show. Claire Danes as bipolar brilliant for the win!

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Jumped the snark.

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Oh god this makes me furious!!! These repubs are like the cliche of a mall cop -- they get a tiny bit of power, and they become monsters.

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In all fairness, I too am beginning to get incensed about how many "professionals" there are in the world who seem utterly incompetent at their jobs. College can't fix stupid, or even mediocre. And yet one must have that degree to be taken seriously at all; worse, there is a snobbish heirarchy of the "right" universities. So the end result is that only those who can afford college become professionals, and many of those who do should not be doctors, lawyers, politicians, or in other vital positions. Look how monumentally stupid trump's lawyers are, look at their ridiculous claims they make in court. Look at all the people voting for laws restricting womens' anatomy who have no idea how it even works. It's frightening.

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"In-school-suspension?" What even is that? All the punishment, none of the day off school? What an odious drag.

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Remember, they also don't believe in evolution, so they don't see any sort of challenge to their supremacy on the horizon, like all those people regardless of color who aren't breeding themselves into Irish Setter levels of genetic problems.

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You want a better plan? How about not hiring bigots to teach our children?

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Their Supremacy disillusionment you mean. They have vast delusions of grandeur.

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Ted Cruz went to Harvard. That alone makes school outside of Boston a reasonable answer.

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Kind of like the Scottish play, huh?

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