Yeah? Good to know.

In the last couple years Hellmans appeared in stores here in the Netherlands, but since Mayonaise is a legally protected concept here it wasn't allowed to call itself Mayo. Mayo must contain at least 70% oil and 5% egg yolk.

I've recently started using Belgian mayo, it is less sweet than Dutch mayo.

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And it's either a lot of beer and Yagie or a frites special, but not both. They also put diced white onion on the fries.

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...and more cow-bell

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At first I was telling myself: Oh they just don't realize that's racist. Once they get exposed to why saying this stuff if a bad look, they'll stop.

No longer. They insist they are being unfairly maligned, but they know it's racist. They fucking know and furthermore, they like being a-holes.

Now they are either going to have to get new personalities, or ride the fail-rails to loserville.

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jacob soboroff is not having ithttps://www.thedailybeast.c...

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I haven't, but I have heard of it.

There's a staggering amount of horror in the history of the Empire, especially in its latter days. I am currently re-reading a history of the end of British Malaya, where we massacred people. Like in the final days of British Kenya, and nearly the final days of British India, and in the secret war we fought in Oman which... I mean, it was literally a war we fought without admitting the fact. Not even a "counter insurgency" or "peace keeping mission" or any of the other euphemisms. It was a war, and we... just had it quietly.

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So sad how many lives this cult has destroyed.

And yes, it all started when Obama was elected. The racism and hate just erupted like an uncontrollable volcano.

My God, remember they went absolutely insane over him wearing a tan suite. A tan suite for crying out loud.

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It's like being there in the room where it happens! You'll have to catch COVID somewhere else for the full experience though.

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I don't dare mention to this group that I really love Obama and wish he could run again. My brother mentioned to me this morning that Trump can run again in 2024. Made me sick to my stomach.

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The horrors....

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God I hope this country can turn around I've actually wished that on Trump but it's the kind of thing you keep to yourself.

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What are the symptoms of Paradox Psychosis according to Number 5 again? I keep forgetting. https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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It was a privilege to serve - thank you for your support,

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I think I need a long break from them - they only thing I've said so far - someone told me they had no respect for someone who didn't vote for Trump and I said I was sorry to hear that as I still respected her. She told me I was a traitor and pissed all over her country with my vote. Maybe once the dust settles and a couple of years from now

Thank you wonketteers - I always feel better when I read you.

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FACTCHECK TRUESeen here checking a pole, which is just lying there, obviously.

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Oh, no, Rudy! Come on!

You're both.

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