I always wonder how wingnuts like Tony Perkins come up with who to blame for whatever crisis or tragedy is going on in the news. It doesn't seem to matter if its an earthquake or Ebola or ISIS, somehow, it always ends up as one of the usual suspects that they shake the shame finger at.

Is it a specially made Magic 8-Ball that they shake? <i>"REPLY HAZY BLAME EVOLUTION"</i>

Is it a dartboard? *thunk* <i>"MY REPLY IS LIBERTINE HOLLYWOOD VALUES"</i>

Is it a big old Wheel Of Fortune spinner? *whiiiirrrrrrr* <i>"FEMINISTS CAUSED THIS"</i>

Is it a cool Lotto Ball contraption? *tumbe tumble tumbe whooosh thwip* <i>"SECULAR TEACHINGS DID IT"</i>

Is it sitting with your hands clasped together, praying hard until you start hallucinating hearing the voice of some imaginary cloud riding beardo sporting a sweet toga and halo? <i>"I DECLARE IT IS ... GAY BONERS GAY BUTTHOLE GAY HOTT GAY SEX PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS."</i>

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I imagine their views on the role of women in society is also eerily similar.

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Me too. Well done, PO.

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"Radical Secularist" might be my next bumper sticker.

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game, Set, match

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OMG! No mindless rant about "teh Ghey" was included? Dude's slipping badly.

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Look, he wants a Holy War he can get behind. This ISIS thing just ain't doing it for him.

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Hey, Tony, why don't you set up a rival organization. Maybe the Omnipotent State-Injuctioned Religion of Indiana and the South.

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By taking religion out of schools, youth have turned to religion that is not taught in schools? Got it.

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As I recall, the Jews got the shitty part of 3/5th of that list.

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