I was happy to see him throw Peter Scholari a bone in "That Thing You Do."

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Good... : )

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And, as I have noted before, a genuinely sweet guy who hasn't forgotten the 'little people' he worked with well before he was a star.

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Thus, this at NASA:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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It's a test: if you can believe terrible things about Tom Hanks, you can believe anything. Like, Trump is a genius businessman, Soros stole the election for Biden, or some day you're going to win the lottery because somebody has to.

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No, that's reality, which we know has a liberal bias.

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I ask that you please forgive this shallow observation, but Angela used to look a lot more put together. It was sort of all she had, you know?

Is someone having ... money difficulties? Or perhaps she can't get the time of day from any self-respecting salon? That hair looks .... rough.

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Not actually related! Just the goddaughter!

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Ah, yes! So she's using the name in a grifty sort of way to promote herself. That fits.

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What about the cloning of all the celebrities who have been executed by the military tribunal? Why is no one concerned about Trump's administration and its cloning?

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This kind of nuttiness would be risible if it wasn't going to get more people killed.

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Another sample: "Singing in the key of Q"

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A 252.15 Kelvin temperature sounds a lot warmer.

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Prior to the pandemic, I attended a training conducted by two young women who had been trafficked as adolescents. It was heartbreaking and infuriating and eye opening.

These Qunts could not be more misguided.

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