Not to mention the epickest myth of all: Rev War/Democracy/freedom for all/Land of Opportunity/Immigrant Experience/wait what Indians.

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I have a friend in NJ, black, married to a white woman from Montana (for many years now). Whenever they visit her parents in one of MT's larger cities, he gets followed by cop cars when he takes the dog out for a walk. Routinely. I don't know how he keeps sane on those visits.

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Better the cops than some asshole from the local "neighborhood watch".

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"we were healing quite well as a nation on racial issues until Obama came along and now we have a lot of racial discord.”

Hmmm. Yeah, let's discuss that for a moment, you asshole.

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Look, we will reluctantly take responsibility for David Frum, Justin Bieber and Celine Dion, but Cruz is not the Canadian's fault!

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Hey, finally! <a href="http:\/\/www.lansingstatejournal.com\/article\/20130221\/NEWS01\/302210014\/Suspected-Holt-intruder-shot-then-found-beaten-handcuffed-sheriff-says" target="_blank">A heartwarming story of successful self-denfense with firearms! </a>

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One nifty little fix would be to respect the FISA court, which exists to impose at least some degree of rule of law on this shit. There's no reason for the Obama WH to copy the GW Bush WH in its utterly repellent reasoning for circumventing FISA. The idea that rule of law is for wussies is nonsense. Rule of law is what makes friends out of former enemies--something that tends to happen later on *coughGermanycough*.

Just sayin.

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I blame the NYC faction--the shitbags who killed Malcolm. But also too, later on Elijah Muhammad got outed as having fathered an out-of-wedlock child and pulled some crap with money, and after he died his sons never had his revered standing. The separatist concept is still alive and well, though toned down and definitely not armed. NOI has a farm in Georgia, and encourages black-owned businesses, and still preaches against race mixing, which is a bit quaint.

But more to the point, I think the movement had its important moment in the pre-Civil Rights era--really it doesn't get enough credit there--and again when it gave Malcolm X a platform. But then it got superseded in a natural way. It still serves a valuable purpose in prison ministries.

But yes, they were good neighbors.

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Taxes. Paying taxes some of which might go to serve the needs of people other than themselves. That's tyranny: not respecting the inherent sacredness of private property, private ownership, and in short, me me me me me me me.

Back in 2000, when I was canvassing for Gore in prosperous Bucks Co. PA, there were only two issues that Republican voters cared about: 1) My Taxes Are Too High (this from the 3-car garage crew, and the stay-at-home wives); 2) WAR! Warwarwarwarwar! (This from before 9/11, even,)

That's when I realized that there are two distinct factions in the GOP--not Wall Streeters vs. Tea Party libertarians; much simpler than that. There is the Bloodlust Faction and the Greed Faction. And that's as subtle and nuanced as it gets.

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yes i remember her death and thank you for the reminder of an extraordinary american woman.

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yeah. this is the wonkette writing i really like.

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What have we done THIS time?

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anyone else following this on-going jane mayer / ted cruz kerfuffle? it would be funny (in that it's the new yorker vs an asshat bagger) except that, well, it's an extreme asshat.

thanks TX. again.

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Two words: von Steuben.

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She's apparently decided to go Murrow on his ass right up front and try to nip it in the bud; for which I raise my glass of Bulleit, and will write my Senatrices.

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