So, is the 'Whore of Rome' behind the purgatory-length waits at the DMV?

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OK, thanx folks. We have our winner for today. You can all go home now.

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Sounds like someone wants to go to the abortionplex in a couple weeks.

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They may as well give the test using dog whistles.

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Why does everything wingnuts do end up like a combination Lawrence Welk Show and Klan meeting?

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Gov. Christie says America is a Judeo-Crisco nation.

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Or did somebody try to slip in a 2 for 1 towing promotion?

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Yup. There it is again.

X = DefinitelyNot(X)

Excluding all languages but English = BULWARK (*luv that word) AGAINST BIGOTRY AND RACISM

You can create your own reverse-exclusionary equations at home ...

*Sounds like someone has their college freshman English Major home for the summer, helping out.

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How about wine coolers?

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It appears to be crazymotherfucker religiousnut Friday. Thank FSM there's a long weekend to recover from it.

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