Poor Eric. You fell right into that booby trap. Poor Fox. What a great big booby hatch.

Sorry. I guess I couldn't think of anything clever.

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Seeing as this is Wonket, guess we'll need pictures of both, or GTFO.

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A Muslim woman with an armed fighter jet. Fox's worst nightmare. ISIL's too, not that there's a coincidence.

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Peen bandit, THAT IS <i>NOT OK.</i>

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Remember, Fox talker people, an apology doesn't count, even in "real Americal",if it contains the words "if" or "but".

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...word to the wise, if you ever find yourself having to apologize for "jokes" you probably shouldn't be telling jokes

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And recipe-hub! Which reminds me, how does one make those lightly salted rat wangs again? I'd like to send those Dicks on the Air a lovely little gift.

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Glerg, sorry, I stepped on your snark. Some days I really need to read the (not allowed!) comments more thoroughly before submitting.

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You've seen <em>Under The Dome</em>, yes?

Thicker than that one.

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The only thing the Air Force would use these two for would be ballast.

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You want to see boobs on the ground? Give me five minutes with Gutfield and Bolling.

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They live in a greater echo chamber than Yankee stadium.

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I am using that everytime the situation arises...attributed of course.

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Kinda funny...when a pilot launches a missle he/she says (depending on number of missle fired) Fox 1...Fox 2, etc. Fox 1 just hit Fox in its saggy old dick.

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That apology is almost as bad as the original comment. "My remark was not intended to be disparaging of her, because we all know it's a fact that the ladies can't park and simply citing facts isn't insulting".

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I have to admit that my heart swelled upon reading that letter, and again after posting it to Facebook to see how many people had shared it.

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