If the ruination and damage doesn't really show up until you are gone off this earth, what's the harm?

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Write a song Rimrock Candy Mountain play it in B flat

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"But mainly me."

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Well, they have mini-peens, so Mini-true is a natural sequel.

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And since the river now dries up before ever reaching the sea, the runoff won't matter at all. Win-Win!

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"System" is probably the one that really bothers them. And "National" gets almost as much side-eye as "Socialist" these days.

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Maybe we should just let them use up all the water and suffer the consequences. When they're gone, the Feds can take over.

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We should put fluoride in fracking water (if it isn't in there already) and see how they respond.

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What we need are National Industrial Parks where the 13th and 14th amendments don't apply.

I think the GOP should campaign on bringing back good old-fashioned slavery.

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...I'm sure that the $11,000 in fines that the FRAKIng companies may or may not pay after they poison all the groundwater in Colorado will be enough to buy all the citizens a thimble full of drinking water!

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...so the Teapublicans don't want fluoride in their water but industrial FRAKing run-off, that is perfectly fine!!!

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"Hey, what the fucking fuck?" -Teddy Roosevelt

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And that thar silly "Grand Canyon" ditch thingy would be an <i>ideal</i> place to store precious stuff like nukular waste, fracking runoff, and coal mine slurry. Make some use of it.

And them thar Redwoods, why they's just sitting thar...where's my chainsaw, Elmer?

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Sue Ing's <i>Friends Fracking Friends #12 - Deep Drilled Canyons</i>

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Humans are little more than a horde of locusts, devouring everything in sight.

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Can I start a "Friends of Scott Tipton" website? You know, so I can then devote all the bandwith to calling him a clueless, corrupt, venal waste of space?

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