Ah, yes, the ultimate expression of the nedwreck tuckup prick with the Calvin sticker pissing on Kate Brown. These cosplay patriots have moved out of their weekend warrior fantasy jagoff sessions into play acting revolution for reals. So they should experience the consequences also for reals. In real revolutionary times (the hazy past that these fucktards think was just amaze balls) this kind of treasony behavior often brought out the MAGA urges in response. Perhaps it should again before it’s too late:MakeAmericaGuillotineAgain

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Thanks to Mel is why.Mel A Nin.

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I read that as “Mnuchin Putz.”

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Burger King hired esteemed Chicago chef Rick Bayless for a while, but I don’t know if anything permanent resulted from the collaboration.

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The scene where Jameson’s phone rings, he picks up the receiver about an inch and lets it drop back is brilliant.

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As someone with a mockable name, I feel the same. Time; however, immunizes one from the all-too-predictable corruptions.

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I snuck in to see Ram Dass with a friend, because master key.

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The House Republicans have now abandoned Nearman. Republicans call on Oregon Rep. Mike Nearman to resign, as possible House expulsion looms

The writing was on the wall when he was canned from his phony "job" as a "fellow" at a dark money group called the "Freedom Foundation."

Which raises the question: How is being on the secret payroll of the Koch Brothers an acceptable sideline for sitting legislators?

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One of my biggest regrets is that we kept our dog probably longer than she would have wanted. She had doggy dementia and various joint problems, and I'm sure her last few months were miserable.

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Hell, I'm surprised that one of his fellow hasn't cold-cocked him.

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“enemies of the state!"How thoughtful of them to identify themselves for all to see and hear.

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What a wanker. Why isn't he in jail yet?

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I'm really pissed off. Ta, Stephen.

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He aided the Goat Bleepers.

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