How can they tell?

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Here's hoping. The longer they obsess about it in the face of <i>eyewitness evidence and testimony from the perp</i>, the clearer it is that the lunatics are running the <strike>madhouse</strike> GOP.

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Andrew Lloyd Weber is on board for the score and the dance numbers.

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My favorite wingnut thing today is the gibbering effort to find a Terrible Thing that this is a Distraction From.

Sadly, it's summer, it's a slow news day (unless you count the totally, shockingly unexpected out-of-the-blue collapse of Iraq, which meh who really cares?). Some damn soccer tournament is taking up all the sports channels. Primaries are over.

The only Terrible Thing this could possibly be a distraction from is THE TRUTH ABOUT BENGHAZI!!!1!!!1!

It's like watching a remake of the movie Primer, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Mel Gibson.

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You see, we can't rely on Khattala's word about this, because of the other guy who's word we <i>will</i> accept, where he said Khattala wasn't “100 percent mentally fit.”


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Right!!!That weak knee lily livered pantywaist Obammy threatened to drone this guy iffin he didnt say what he was supposed too,hell anyone can see that just ask Issa, Obama is a thug pussy

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Unless your name is Bergdahl then you are actually helping the terriers [sic].

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Or the "convenient" fact our Cairo embassy was breached earlier that day during the video protest.

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Bob Villa?

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Someone owes Susan Rice an apology. I am sure she will get it any day now...

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You know those fellas will say anything to avoid getting into deeper trouble.

Oh, and terrorists lie too.

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Because mental fitness is the FIRST thing you look for in a riot instigator!

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...as we speak Darrel Issa has just went flaccid!

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So the media is calling this guy a "mastermind", but he's really the village idiot. Way to go MSM!!!!

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Because no conspriacy ever dies, man! It all gets layered into the next one.

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Yeah . . . what the fuck does this guy* know, anyway? --Your average Faux Snooze viewer.

*Climate scientist talking about climate change; evolutionary biologist talking about evolution; geologist talking about age of the Earth; muslin terrorist talking about terrorism; <i>et fucking cetera.</i>

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