Oh, Mike, you got me all hot and bothered. Fun fact: I've never watched his show. My only exposure to him is on this mommy and recipe blog. I have heard him scream laugh and I never want to hear that again.

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Lady MS at this ‘late’ hour for Mike😄. Don’t see Faux IRT either, unless we’re trapped in a drs. office where, it seems, they must live-stream that shit to sell blood pressure meds.Carlson seems the most truly psychopathic of the bunch.

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Yep. I got my second last Saturday. I just made reservations at my favorite local restaurant for next Tuesday.

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No proof that the event was caused by the vaccine is required in order for VAERS to accept the report.As I understand it, no proof that the event even happened is required in order for VAERS to accept the initial report. People can make up anything to put on the list. Only when it's followed up by the CDC would it be discounted, but it would still appear on the list of events and be available to the public to misinterpret, like Swansonboy.

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I got my vaccine and I doubled my income. Hennnnnngggg?

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Here's proof that VAERS accepts pretty much ANY claim:


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I understand where you're coming from, but referring to chiropractic as "bullshit" is simply showing your ignorance.

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Agreed, but if he'd been able to set his massive ego aside and simply allow himself to be guided by the experts, far fewer people would have died and his reelection would have been guaranteed.

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in retrospect I'm not sure the fruit from the tree of knowledge actually worked...

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Which rather begs the question: how many people have died after buying and using a My Pillow??

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Would it be irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible NOT to speculate.

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At this point, it's probably safe to assume that most of the reports to VAERS are fake. Because it's unverified, anti-vaxxers and conservative shitbags have more motivation to submit reports than anyone else.

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I am so sorry to hear that...

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Yeah, me too. Over the last year, I've eliminated (with extreme prejudice) several extended family members from my life over similar crap.

I decided when the BLM protests started over last summer that I was no longer keeping people in my life who are raving racists and just in general horrible people. Several of whom made my life a living Hell as a child, so good riddance. (Just as one example: Two cousins used to call me a "white n*****" when we were growing up because of my lips, so yeah, nice racist rhetoric they got straight from their hag, white trash mother, while also giving a young child a life-long complex about her looks....fucking great, eh? When their lousy mother--a stand-up, sainted woman who *knew* her girls were being molested by their father, but ignored it, dumped her kids off with MY mom, and ran off to Texas with him for a couple of months--had a go at my mom on FB, it was on like Donkey Kong, and I didn't hold back).

Over the last several months, to that list I've added people who refuse to live in the world of objective reality, who spout conspiracy theories, etc. I've had to actively avoid talking to one aunt, a former favorite whom I was really close to since a small child and who was pretty much my best friend throughout my 20s and 30s, and with whom I would really prefer if at all possible to NOT completely break things off. But she has also become a religious fanatic who takes all her "news" from places like WorldNet Daily, Tucker Carlson, and The Epoch Times. I'm hoping she'll return to reality soon (but so far, no signs of that happening).

It may not be so easy to do the same with my brother, since when I visit there is a certain amount of forced interaction, but if he starts spewing fundigelical nonsense and conspiracy theory foo when I'm around, I won't be able to keep my mouth shut (nor should I).

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To quote Harlan Ellison, "Yeah -- people with guns."

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I did the same thing when people started comparing the treatment of Kegstand Kavanaugh to Emmett Till. I tossed three assholes out of my life forever. I also got rid of the poison that is Facebook thanks to that incident.

My dad looked at the Epoch Times, he already gets Imprimis from Hillsdale College, and I told him what utter shit it is. He kept his local city paper delivery instead of switching to Epoch....

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