And yet, I wanted to front a team called the Omaha Honkies, and suddenly everyone cries "offensive" like a PC snowflake...

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Thanks (and to Blanche de Shambles too) for correcting me on that. I'm not that familiar with the various native tribes of the East and midwest, I grew up learning about the Shoshone and the Bannocks and the Crow and the Nez Pierce and the Blackfeet and the other tribes in the Great Basin and the Northern Rockies. I'm starting to learn more about the NE tribes , and I guess I'll have to study Great Lakes and Great Plains tribes next. I learned something today. (And the logo is a lot cooler than an H-60 Bkackhawk. Now an SH-60 Seahawk would be cool, especially if it were a B-variant with the MAD boom.)

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It says something when the Pinball adaption is the most memorable aspect.

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By the way, acvording to TV Tropes, ol Vince once conceived a storyline that involved him getting "involved" with his own daughter (Stephanie thankfully vetoed that one.)

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The Fox have an interesting and typically tragic history. They were forced to cross the Mississippi River by settlers crowding into western Illinois. There they were met by hostile Sioux who forced them back across the Mississippi, where they hoped to plant some corn to avoid starvation. The governor of Illinois called this "an invasion" and dispatched the militia to rout them. The militia, whose ranks included two young officers named Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, harried the Fox up into Wisconsin, massacring any women and children they could. Black Hawk kept up a rear guard action to save as many of his people as he could during the withdrawal. Davis later called Black Hawk's fighting retreat the most gallant military feat he had ever witnessed.

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Well fuck that, why not just reintroduce the Coliseum and Gladiatorial combat and all that. I'm sure Italy will lend Trump the Coliseum else he can pay for it to be shipped over to America.

That's about as many as it gets don't you think? Especially when you consider the rippling muscles on those half-naked Gladiator bods!

They can even start feeding Christians Muslims to the lions because at this point why not?

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The only problem with that old "bread and circuses" routine to keep the serfs pacified is that we don't seem to have the bread part really covered. Maybe those EBT cards are supposed to count as all the bread we need. Maybe the new tax plan counts as bread? Remember Bush and all those $600-ish checks (with no objection for buying the election, BTW, that I ever heard of). The trick is to make up for the payout by raising taxes in the following years. But only for the serfs. Of course.

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Pretty thoughtful of him, didn't he do it that way so that his brain could be analysed?

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Gorilla libelz!

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We have rodeos already.

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No need for bread, let me show you how it's being done now using people relevant to the current times:

Servant: "The peasants are hungry, they have no bread!"

Ivanka: "Then let them THINK they are eating cake."

And that's all that's needed nowadays. Who needs actual bread and cake when you have unread emails and memos!

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Welp, that is what I am doing on this comment board.

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As I shut that stoopid shit off at around 0:32, I was surprised to note that the clip was over 3 minutes. I shudder to think.

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That picture can't be real? I mean the buttkiss. Nothing else to call it.I mean, it'd be cool to see RWNJ shaming themsele s doing public pervitudes (not that there's anything wrong with having a butt, I have one ohshut the fuckup george) Would'nt they get killed by their own kind, I mean other RWNJS? Or arrested by somebody.

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Ya mean a goose as a mascot? What's the problem?

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Yes. Yes he did.

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