Chicago :)

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Domestic terrorism is truly the danger that isn't given enough attention.

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BTW, the prisons are FULL of guys with black kids, what's your point? Is it somehow more troubling if the father is a violent white fascist guy?

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I saw 'Good' so running with it. Gooder would be betterer. I would say winningest bigly but who wants to be faux.Let them burn.

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Word. Also has been nice that 'curb stomp' seems to have vanished cos this is a sane place.

signed ah erm aging but Rudie.. pick it up etc :)

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I'm sure the lack of their shitbag father's influence during their formative years will only be beneficial to them - one can only hope their mother gets lonely enough to replace him during that time.

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I think Hillary Clinton would have been a fantastic president. She was probably the most intelligent, and prepared person who ever ran for the presidency. From everything I've heard about her, she's a genuinely warm and kind person, in real life.

Unfortunately, Republicans smeared her so effectively, people thought she was a very corrupt politician, who probably had murdered a number of people. It's crazy to me that Republicans don't see how toxic their brand has become, and how they've brainwashed half the country so well, that they'll believe any crazy conspiracy that Rupert Murdoch sells them.

Unfortunately, I think they'll do the same thing to Elizabeth Warren. That's one reason I like Pete Buttigeig, the only bad thing they could say about him is that he's gay. They can't paint a veteran as a wild eyed socialist.

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Ta, Robyn. Unfortunately, there are prison gangs that include the Aryan Brotherhood.

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Unfortunately, they’ve got plenty of fellow travelers (Aryan Brotherhood and such as) in the pokey.Oops. Great minds etc.

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They'll do half time minus time served. They'll be out in less than 2.

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"John has four black kids..." ohhh, I'm not saying Gavin is a racist ya'll...but. And if John cared about his kids he would be home spending time with them, not running around the city engaging in violent behavior.

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I... don't think those two groups dovetail up as naturally as you may think.

They often have long-standing enmities based on daft shite like whose jackboots are most authentic and shiny.

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Yes, basically. He's written a little hitlist, the scurvey, whining git.

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'But a shield is exactly the same as a sword!'

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He can't think of a way to lie one onto his neck-tube.

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You mean...

The Batternburg Wendigo?

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