It's funny, but I never think about teh buttsecks until some wingnut brings it up. And then they carry on about it for absolutely HOURS at a time.
It's a wonder I haven't pulled the muscles that you use to roll you eyes by now.
I'm not an attorney - and I don't play one on t.v.
However, I think "In 2003, disgusting perverts like you celebrated the landmark 6-3 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which invalidated laws against sodomy in Texas and across the nation" missed an important point.
Didn't the Texas law only make sodomy between two men illegal - but left it legal for members of the opposite sex? Well, at least one of them, anyway.
...hey, listen! If you want to outlaw the gay kind of butt-sex, that is fine! But please don't infringe on my god given right as a heterosexual to have my girlfriend strap-on a 12 inch dildo and pound me like a piñata!!!
<i>The three-judge panel ruled 2-1 </i>
No one else mentioned that at least one judge agreed w/ this Cooch? No wonder he thought he could squeeze it in!
Looking closely at this photo&#039;s pixels, I conclude there is a good chance that a penis was photoshopped OUT.
thy rod and thy staff will comfort thee, whether you like it or not...
Jessica Cutler libel!
It&#039;s funny, but I never think about teh buttsecks until some wingnut brings it up. And then they carry on about it for absolutely HOURS at a time.
It&#039;s a wonder I haven&#039;t pulled the muscles that you use to roll you eyes by now.
Rick Perry&#039;s younger, dumber brother...
And those dangerous butt enzymes!
I&#039;m not an attorney - and I don&#039;t play one on t.v.
However, I think &quot;In 2003, disgusting perverts like you celebrated the landmark 6-3 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which invalidated laws against sodomy in Texas and across the nation&quot; missed an important point.
Didn&#039;t the Texas law only make sodomy between two men illegal - but left it legal for members of the opposite sex? Well, at least one of them, anyway.
Came for the buttsechs, stayed for the snark.
you make a more persuasive case than the Cooch
...a moment of silence please!
What what in the butt
so he&#039;s really Jimmie J.J. Walker...
drill baby drill
At Liberty University Law School, it&#039;s OK to ask a Circuit Court to overrule the Supreme Court.
...hey, listen! If you want to outlaw the gay kind of butt-sex, that is fine! But please don&#039;t infringe on my god given right as a heterosexual to have my girlfriend strap-on a 12 inch dildo and pound me like a pi&ntilde;ata!!!