"Eh, close enough." - God.

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Polite people take pains to keep all of that just within the family.

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Hmm. That reminds me -- after the Great Flood, the only people left on Earth were Noah and the members of his family. And yet the Earth was eventually repopulated. Know what I'm getting at here?

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My cousin in Alabama, a right wing Southern Baptist of the worst kind, had an abortion in high school so the families would not be embarrassed that she and her boyfriend had...um...fornicated. She went on to have two reasonably normal kids. So either this guy is full of crap or Southern Baptists get a pass.

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We're gonna need a lot of Panko then...

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"Hey, why the hell are you dragging me into this?" - God

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I think it means Dad was also <i>Uncle Dad,</i> and he is really glad to be here, and he's going to make sure that there can always be more like him.

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Why do people like this guy exist? One of the skygods punishments?

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"And that is why it's always OK for you to mock those children, Bobby. God is punishing a slutty slut."

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<i>Marshall then challenged Watkins to a debate.</i>

Shoulda challenged him to a fist-fight like a real man.

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<i>It’s a special punishment, Christians would suggest.</i>

Umm, y'know. When you can substitute the word "Christian" with the word "asshole" or "bigot" and the statement means the exact same thing, you tend to get the impression that Christ's actual message is pretty much lost on that group.

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Bless you, my child.

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Did his mom tell him that?

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Doesn't inbreeding also increase the probability of having a disabled babby? Let's have some consistency, Bob.

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Bob Marshall's mother must have had many abortions.

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<i>"Virginia Democrats are reportedly looking forward to Marshall winning his GOP primary."</i> Watching the GOP circle the drain is sort of calming, actually.

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