Yes, that's been the pattern for a while now. At the risk of being boring, that's not what happened here, and why I made the comment in the first place. The cops knew they were being filmed, and they just didn't care. Read that again, because apparently it's not getting through. They just didn't care. They piled on, and arrested, a white man who wasn't actually resisting, in full view of somebody's phone, being filmed from just a few feet away, and they just didn't care. This is what stood out for me. Is this how it's going to be now? Is this going to be the new normal? That now all us "not of the Party" people are "non-white" and thus fair game? Because that seems like something we should be noticing. Seems like we're past the "first they came for the ..." stage, and well into the "and then they came for me.." stage of this phase of the change of ideologies. Maybe this is a momentary aberration, but it sure fits very neatly into the pattern we've been seeing developing

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But, for qualified immunity purposes, they are charged with knowing the clearly established law. The law on this was clearly established since Cohen was decided in 1971. Therefore, the reporter should win liability -- both as to an unlawful seizure of his person and as to excessive force -- as a matter of law, so the only thing he will have to go to trial on is damages.

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wrong again, Trumpanzee!

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The law on this was clearly established since Cohen was decided in 1971.Yet the profanity law was still clearly on the books. Not routinely struck off during the annual SCOTUS compliance audit and unicorn hunt.

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That's because none of the Justices are VIRGINS!!!

Except Notorious RBG, who was a virgin until she FUCKED DT in the press.

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Fucking pig fuckers

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And yet all part of me can think is, "That guy is so fucking lucky to be apparently white."

Don't get me wrong, it's horrific to see this happen, especially to a journalist. But... Eric Garner, man. Eric Garner.

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i went and clicked on the Blaze link. i learned that Hustler magazine wrote the First Amendment. i think. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Went to school with peter, grades 1-3

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I aint never read this Mike Stark guy but I like the cut of his jib.

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I remember hearing it as, six days to Sunday. Iow, everyday of the week

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To the the so-called president:

Perhaps Mr. Trump is not aware, but there is no such thing as a shadow cabinet in the United States government. While Hillary Clinton may be understood to be the leader of the opposition, being the last presidential nominee put forth by the Democratic party, that does not make her the Leader of the Opposition. She has no official role in government; all she is doing is enjoying mai tais and watching you burn her office to the ground. I would hope this would help you get some insight into the situation, but as we all know, you can't read.

Best of my ill regards, &c.

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The Daily Press ran the story. Did you notice where the guy was from? Does a person laugh or cry or facepalm themselves unconscious in that situation. We dun cornered de market on hypocrisy.

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Put another shrimp on the fucking barby!

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It sounds like he put the "intrepid" into "intrepid reporter". !

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