Sounds like the Republican lady from Kansas is saying if everyone can't get free or reasonable healthcare, nobody should get free or reasonable healthcare. And that right there is the Republican attitude in middle America.

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Good and fair point.

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Two of the my fellow clinic defenders were shocked when they made the connection that she (Siobhan Dunnavant) was their gynocologist.

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It’s Prince lyrics....

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And now "Kiss" is stuck in my head. Which isn't a bad thing really.

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I am so proud of my adopted state right now.But I will point this out this one time: It is MUCH more effective to play hardball when you have some power to back it up. In words that are other than those: If we want Dems to play hardball? We should elect majorities of them.

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I have met her. I felt I needed a shower after said encounter, and it only lasted seconds.

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The commercials were all "Sih o ban"

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The options just suck. That's not on us, that's on Disqus. And bless you my new friend.

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Well, maybe mending the circuit breakers so it keeps pumping out 500 kv at 10 amps

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True. But I'll bet she always had all the time in the world for oil industry, tobacco and firearms lobbyists. Sometimes we just have to prioritize, I guess.

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Someone please tell Joe Biden about this.

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Yep, this is how you handle Trumpians.

They take concession as weakness. Proof of this is the Trumpians' responses to Iran's supposed "failure" or "leniency" on their missile strike. Their responses can be summed up as the following: "Haha! iran scared weak poop! AMURRRIKKAAA!!!! MAGAAAA!!!!!"

We keep learning every day, just from observing their comments and the shit they say, that to Trumpians,things like forgiveness, integrity, dignity, leniency, mercy, are all considered "weakness" especially when coming from someone they hate.

No response is more appropriate towards them than the responses they make towards others when they have the advantage. They have no reason to complain about such since they do it themselves anyway (but trust me they will, that's what they are all about).

In short, Iran could have nuked an American city in retaliation, and that would have been an "appropriate" response with regards to the Trumpians.

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