"cause we'll all go together when we go. What a comforting fact it is to know..."(Tom Lehrer)

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Finally she gets a hairstyle that is somewhat flattering!

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I think that this asshole would be the most effective candidate for the repubs in 2024. That stupid grin, the soft southern voice, talking to the moms about how he cares about their kids. Thank goodness he doesn’t have the angry hater act that makes the deplorables swoon.

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nothing to apologize for here. You're not wrong.

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I belong to a "certain organization," heh heh heh...

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“By Grapfar’s hammer… what a savings.”

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I'm a teacher at a university in Virginia. I fully expect, before the end of the Younkin administration, for the governor to tell us that "parental rights" extends to parents who want to abuse LGBTQ adults.(Of course, I wouldn't be allowed to comply with such a directive from the state government, because federal laws like FERPA override state law. Also, my religious beliefs in the religion I made up say I have to respect LGBTQ students.)

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This section is a little unclear:

"Teachers and other school officials can only refer to a student by their pronouns associated with their sex at birth. But they also don't have to refer to a student's preferred names regardless of paperwork if they feel doing so "would violate their constitutionally protected rights"

Whose constitutionally protected rights is this referring to? Does this mean that even if a student has legally changed their name, the teachers don't have to use their real name if it violates the teacher's constitutional right to be an asshole?

I really hope I'm reading that wrong, but I fear I am not.

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People talk about cartoon characters being sexually attractive. Most cartoon characters have never had genitals drawn for them (officially), have never had sexual organs drawn, and have never had a 23rd chromosome pair drawn.

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I love her. That's her real name, and that's her real voice.

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The Bible clearly says you can't change names. That's why religions that believe in the Bible are called Abramic religions.

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The same media companies are elated at the 5th circuit's decision that social media companies can't moderate. They desperately want to go back to a world where the only permissible speech was the speech that was pre-approved by a large publisher.

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So ... Virginia is for haters?

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You are reading it correctly. The teacher can override any paperwork if they want to in order to keep deadnaming and misgendering the child.

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i assume someone's made a new model army joke? this one?


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I’ve been savoring Judge Dearie’s ruling about the documents being classified or not classified since I heard about it earlier tonight. He stated something that every 1st year law student should know. But apparently not TFG’s lawyers or Judge Loose Cannon. Huh. Here’s more on that.


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