This is the same guy that puts pencil lines on all the liquor bottles at home, like Bosley Gravel

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I think they meant to say Ketamine. I've heard it does wonders for your personality.

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You wouldn't believe what a sackcloth and ashes wedding costs these days.

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and still no mention of mcdouchebag's kid getting arrested for drunk driving / belligerence.

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In that case, I will scratch that off of my list of drugs to do when I get old. Although I would pay to see somebody else experience it.

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So, in addition to accepting gifts that would be illegal in a number of states (or, at least, California), the Gubenatorial Family is actively pimping worthless supplements?

I certainly hope the Palins are taking notes.

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If I believed in God, I would hope to God that we would fix that miserable law before I die.

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OT: 8 College Degrees that aren't worth the Money?

AA, BA, BS, MFA, MA, MS, PhD...

I seem to be missing one...

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So wait, now I am confused...

How can a MAKER also be a TAKER?

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C'mon peoples, he's simply learnin' the trade. $50k here and there? Pfft -- chump fkg change.

Once his gobmint gig is up, K Street or Wall Street or Fox News Street will beckon, and the <i>really</i> sweet stealings will start...

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Tobacco vitamins.

<a href="http:\/\/articles.latimes.com\/2011\/mar\/25\/news\/la-pn-tobacco-lozenges-fda-20110325" target="_blank">No, really.</a>

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Get used to it, Virginia.

The next governor is either already in bed with the Vitamin King (the Cooch) or an unabashed political dirt bag (McAulliffe).

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