The thing that kills me is that even though I know it's hyperbole, it works on me. I've been struggling with intense anxiety and depression in the last few days -- okay, really the last few years, but it's acute lately -- and last night I was laying in bed repeating to myself, "Terry McAuliffe's exit polls are not my personal responsibility. I cannot control who other people vote for." I'm one person who doesn't even live in the state, and yet somehow I struggle not to believe it's my fault for not doing another phone bank.

Like, yes, volunteering is important, and campaigns and organizations need money. But nobody can live in a nonstop garbage fire where they're constantly being told it's their fault for not doing enough.

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Oh, I wonder how many people feel like this? If we lived near each other we could tell each other 'you aren't responsible...' etc. I often think about Jessica Mitford, who actually could have shot Hitler dead, because she hated him and her sister was part of his inner circle and constantly invited her (Jessica) to come meet him. But she never went to meet him, and always seemed cheerful in her later life. I wonder if she thought about it as much as I have. Of course she'd have instantly been killed herself. Oh well, I'll be thinking about you and THE PROBLEM. You know, it isn't fair. Esp. as you're so young and haven't got your bearings probably, as much as I have, being an old timer. Well, listen: I ABSOLVE YOU!

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❤️Fortunately my support network is pretty strong these days: my husband talked me down when it got bad on Monday, then last night I called my sister and hashed some of this stuff out with her, and tomorrow I've got therapy. I hate to think of the place I'd be in if I'd hit this at 25 with no health insurance.

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Yes. Good. We didn't create this, actually. We're sitting here failing to understand it.

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You won't have to worry about This Virginian!

If McAuliffe wins tomorrow, its back into the obsessive political fray for me (after having been shored up with a win for our side)

If Younkin wins, I'm bowing out of keeping up with politics...Because at that point if he wins, the the only way out is through...This sickness and fever simply wikll HAVE to burn itself out and there is NOTHING we can do about it...DC dem leadership sure could do a BUNCH of shit to help out, but that ain't gonna happen...I've had to sacrifice my resting-state optimism on that alter...

I'll keep voting, and if a truly progressive candidate comes up for me to lend a hand to, I'm there! (if I had been a district 14 NYC resident, I'd have dedicated ALL my free time to AOC's campaign...As it is, I've NEVER actually voted for a dem candidate at the state level, I'v always been left voting AGINST the republican candidate


I'm getting too old for this

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Aww don’t worry about it Daniel. The “hurr hurr Elon’s your boyfriend” is a good look on you.

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And for people who have zero idea what it will really look like when Americans start hacking each other up on the streets.

I don't think even the most scummy of the scumbag Trumpanzees are prepared for that if and when it happens. Because this means their co-workers, neighbors, family, friends, etc. dead. And I don't think they are really prepared for that, no matter the disgusting posturing they engage in and their ignorant, violent rhetoric.

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A massive cult deprogramming effort paid for by the federal government? A country-wide earnest truth and reconciliation process?

Naw, who am I kidding. In a country where pure lies are protected by "Free Speech" and the violent planning of an insurrection is regarded by the FBI as not threats, but "aspirational statements," *nothing* will happen to these people. Because freedom.

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Your attempts to make everything that’s wrong in the world the fault of Bernie sanders are getting more and more convoluted. Sheesh.

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His minder probably doesn’t give a fuck.

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OMG, thanks for sharing! I haven't been up there in a couple of decades.

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Yeah, every time anyone makes a joke about him you denounce it in hyperbolic terms as "vitriol" (today there was even "an orgy of vitriol and hatred" which... that was Stephen Miller-esque), and then you launch into a thing about how everyone who criticises him hates him. I'm not making "Musk is your boyfriend" jokes (I don't mean to imply that he knows you even exist) I am saying you're a weird culty follower of a billionaire who comes weirdly and creepily to his defence when anyone suggests there might be anything less than perfect about him.

It's not that I hate him, I honestly don't, I find the weird, instinctive and utterly humourless defensiveness of his fanboys funny.

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A mincing, primping, pampered little metrosexual who spends hours on his hair and skin coloring. (The fact that these tuff guys defer to this shitbag, someone whom they would likely denigrate if they ran into him on the streets, is just too fucking hilarious).

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We literally cannot say any word that starts with "v" in our house, since it traumatizes the dog with the concepts of "vet" and "vacuum." :(

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One of us...one of us... one of us...

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I think the prevailing attitude with those folks is that they're trying to forget Trump ever happened, so they're acting accordingly

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