Actually, it's even actual science -- there is some subsidence happening, which of course makes the flooding even worse.

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This exact argument (well, without acknowledging that the conspired-against (conspiritees?) are fucktards and imbeciles, appears in the comments thread of the linked article.

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My favorite (bar) part of the article is the headline, which tells (implicitly) us that "sea level rise" is a "buzzword". Always nice to have some thoughtful analysis from the Fourth Estate.

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Doesn't appear to be working )-;

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The Confe-DUH-racy.

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<blockquote>oh, fuck it, I can't go on.</blockquote>

I'm starting to wonder whether their plan is to flood our brains with so much fucking stupid we all just off ourselves to end the pain.

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They don't mean you <i>can not</i> explain it. They mean YOU ARE FORBIDDEN FROM EXPLAINING IT.

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What are you talking about? Dude, it's the RED planet!

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Well, that's at least as effective as renaming rising sea levels, so yeah, that'll obviously work. Bravo!

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See, I'm not Debbie Downer <em>all</em> the time.

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Andrew Breitbart was just stirring up discussion.

Sarah Palin was just letting someone else take a turn at being governor.

Frank Luntz is just polishing turds.

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Pope Clement VI?

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So if sea level rise is not a thing, you'll be perfectly OK with us burying you up to your head about a foot inland from the high tide mark from, say, 1980, won't you, Del. Stolle?

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I'm not surprised by this. I glanced at today's Arizona Republic, which has an article about flouridation of water. The wingnut comments are absolutely priceless. General Ripper from Dr. Strangelove would be proud.

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"Weather sneezes"

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Santa Claus?

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