The real question is, did the governor have access to the magic shed...

What did he know about RG3's Knee and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT!?!?!

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This is worse than BEGHAZI. Wait no it isn't. It's as bad as the abortioncaust, though, which is worse than ten times the holocaust and slavery and the inquisition and the gulags.

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Or let's have a rectumactment and make Virgina the 11th strangest thing found in Mark Obenshain's rectum.

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But no Sanity Clause.

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I had a friend in Richmond who lived near the state penitentiary. He said people would gather with lawn chairs and beers to stare at the place and cheer on mornings when there was an execution. At 8 am, mind you.

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<i>force women who have miscarriages to report it to law enforcement officers</i>

I've been waiting for <i>years</i> for someone to legislate this. It's absolutely the logical conclusion of the idea that life begins at conception. If a pregnant woman slips on the stairs and spontaneously aborts (which happens pretty often in the early weeks), that should be negligent homicide or manslaughter at least. Why is this even a debate? It's so obvious.

The only reason no one has proposed this until now is that any candidate with a grain of sense, humanity, or the desire to win an election knew that it would be met with howls of combined derision and disgust.

What amazes me is that the Todd Akin Brainmelt seems now to have become contagious. His and Richard Mourdock's massive fail last fall does not discourage; rather it is a beacon to these shitwits. This is a good thing for the US Senate, which has Claire McCaskill and Joe Donnelly as a result. But it is still mindblowingly wacky.

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actually when I do vomit, I see a Jon McNaughton "painting" swirling the bowl

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You know who else Planned Parentedhood is just like?

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