I think she works for BofA. As an intern, perhaps?

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Is she speaking in tongues? I was an English major and I have no fucking idea what she is saying.

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You're supposed to send the $37 to Wonkette. (Circle of life, etc.)

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This has all the marks of a Southern Poverty Law Center PsyOps program

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1,000 internet points/exposure dollars for the perfect illustration.

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This is why Schoenkopf is Esteemed Editrix, while we are but lowly Wonkommoners (and not-allowed Wonkommenters.)

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Is that "'Facepalm' Jesus?"

Or just "Good Grief!"

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And, more importantly, as soon as they're old enough to walk they can pick cantaloupes for $2.15 an hour.

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perhaps if the messican babbies came packaged in tiny little placentas and uteri they would then be acceptable?

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<i> I'm dreaming of a number can you tell me what it is? I'm aged 6 years and I'm coming where you live. Hide your women, hide your kids, as if your life I'm in White folks, ignorant dolts, acting like I'm rich</i>

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She seems nice . . .

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Every time I see one of these things it reminds me of an old Colin Raye song:

What if Jesus comes back like that? Will he cry when he sees where our hearts are at? Will he let us in or turn his back? What if Jesus comes back like that?

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<i>pushes everyone aside</i> Step aside people, I speak wingtard!!!

“You can’t put them over there and it’s not a prison anymore. It’s a closed facility.”

She wants you to attach her hoverround XL15 to a large catapult and launch her into the sea.

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