There’s fuckall on Rockall.

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Oh pleez, oh pleez...

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Nice figure, frilly underwear, indiscriminate automatic gunfire, she's a keeper!

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unlike Trump, Midler has talent so I don't know why he is calling her a scammer.

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yeah, aren't those shell cases hot as they fall?

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(reminds me of the "Tales from the Crypt" where Patricia Arquette plays a girl who thinks the scarecrow is her lover and so the farmer decides to dress with the scarecrow's garb and his wife stabs him with a pitchfork.)

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You can take my lawn darts when you pry them from my cold, bloodied foot.

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If you would like to have fun on Twitter, talk about limiting gun magazine capacities and making it more difficult to purchase gun silencers....nuts come out of the wood work to attack.

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But, Article One, Section Eight, Subsection Sixteen states that Congress is responsible for developing appropriate training programs for militias, although they can hand the actual training off to the states as long as they follow the training program developed by Congress exactly. If these guys haven't been trained by the state using training materials developed by Congress, they ain't a fucking militia.

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One of the responsibilities of that well-regulated militia is to suppress insurrections. You know, that tyranny all the gun humpers need a shitload of guns for.

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I heard he was an effective governor.

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Yes the governor is term limited, but usually the lieutenant governor runs, and he's got some real problems too. And the AG. I want the loser from the primary back. He seemed nice. Did we check his yearbook?

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And yet ladies running around in their undies are the stuff of Penthouse Forums.

What's going on here? Are the lads maybe just not very good at doing sexy? That would be unusual for an Earth species! (Also, depressing.)

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“votes and laws - not thoughts and prayers”

... i think we have a battle-cry

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I've never really heard a good reason for suppressors in civilian use. I get there might be niche uses for some hunters, but honestly this just sounds bad. The only one I've really heard too is for their ears when target practicing, but then again it's almost like there were existent things to help with that like plugs and ear muffs.

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Suicide by cop, or just plain ol' Hitler style of when cornered killing yourself so you don't have to put up with the fact that you lost and have to suffer justice. Fuck those people.

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