
It’s an early Frank Moser cartoon in yer hed gif. Who is Frank Moser? I’ve got the deets in the link: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/the-jam-makers

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Apr 18Liked by Martini Glambassador

had to go digging around to find out that Frank Moser was NOT the original artist of the Nancy cartoon strip that I read as a child.... but the artwork is very similar.

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Apr 18Liked by Martini Glambassador

I thought it looked a bit like the Katzenjammer Kids.

BTW, if you like early Nancy, Bill Griffith, the creator of Zippy the Pinhead, has done a graphic novel bio of Nancy creator Ernie Bushmiller. https://a.co/d/id79mUm

There's also "How to Read Nancy", a detailed analysis of the strip from an artistic perspective.


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"I thought it looked a bit like the Katzenjammer Kids."

So I'm not the only one!


Yeah, I remember Nancy. Never liked it. There were some real antiques in the comics I read as a kid in the 60s. Besides Katzenjammer Kids (though they disappeared when I was pretty young) they still had Little Orphan Annie, Mutt and Jeff (basically a bunch of vaudeville jokes), The Phantom, Terry and the Pirates, Maggie and Jiggs. Also L'il Abner and Pogo but those were timeless.

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Apr 18Liked by Martini Glambassador

The Internet Archive has this mixed live action and animation Christmas short directed by Moser

From 1942 as well as some of his silent era stuff.


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But, but, but... I thought Democrats killed Christmas? How is this even possible?

😁 Thanks, Me!

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It was 1942 the Dems were too busy killing Fascists to go after Christmas.

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Ahhhh! Thanks Obama.

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Apr 18Liked by Martini Glambassador

What’s fascinating about these early attempts at animation: 10+ years before Mickey Mouse.

The process of drawing cells hadn’t been formalized yet. It means every frame of this was drawn from scratch.

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Disney's dirty little secret is that they rotoscoped live film actors (traced over frame by frame) for many of their early features.

It wasn't until the Nine Old Men happened that they actually began the process of animation - which in all fairness, was fucking amazing and groundbreaking stuff.

But the credit goes to the artists - not Walt.

ETA: And I've always been more of a Warner Brothers fan - their stuff is far more loose and truly funny - and the humor still holds today (I'll leave out some of the early racism).

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I'm not sure whether that was a dirty little secret or a huge advancement in the art. Disney made rotoscoping more of an artistic tool instead of a gimmick.

Edit: Any sensible person must adore Warner Brothers cartoons. I am lucky (old) enough to have seen many of the classics on their first run.

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marge champion, the mother of a classmate of mine, was one half of the then-famous marge and gower champion dance couple, and the model for snow white

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I read about the live actors in film school like 35 years ago! I always wondered why it didn't get more attention.

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One word for you: Hellzapoppin (1941). It's like a live action Bob Clampett film.

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I have it - bought the DVD from Video Beat years ago. On the same DVD:

-Jitterbug: A 1991 documentary on the swing craze.

-Groovie Movie 1942

US Short film. Comical look at swing dancing of the period.

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And Fleischer Studios invented the rotoscope. It was Max Fleischer's invention. Yes, I am an animation snob.

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There's an improbably strong concentration of animation fans in the Wonkette comments!

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I agree. They also perfected a 3-D method called the Stereoptical process.


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That's a wonderful video! I remember watching Popeye cartoons as a kid even though I hated the characters. I was mesmerized by those backgrounds!

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Well, if knowing that makes me one, also too--then I don't wanna be right.

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Apr 18Liked by Martini Glambassador

I don't know why but I really like this one, Martini!

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Apr 18Liked by Martini Glambassador

(grins) Some of the early cartoons were . . . Interesting.

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The way he animated Susie’s prancing—it amuses the heck outta me.

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That was wild about the person sleeping on the floor a couple nights and stinking up the rug so much it has to be cleaned! I think the writer may have a mental problem or a very bizarre friend. My dog doesn’t even stink up the floor or his bed that much, and my dog only bathes about once every 6 weeks. A quick vacuum does the trick on my carpets. I would be very interested in hearing how a person can stink up the floor so much, but it would be okay if this person slept in the bed?

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I'm sorry but spelling "folks" as "folx" does not make it more inclusion. It looks like one of Trump's nonsense words like "cofveve." Latinx instead of Latino at least contains latin in it's root. I don;t what kind of root "fol" is.

Musk is really channeling his inner Trump, asking for a massive payout while laying off thousands of Telsa employees. It's time to Unionize, people. Share the wealth not horde it.

Compressed air storage has been talked about for years. It takes a government mandate, like from China, to make it happen. Though I recall hearing that a water storage system is being implemented along the shores of Lake Michigan. Power water into the reservior duringn energy excess and drain it out through turbines for power demands.

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RE: Trump just not showing... I think that this might be contempt of court and, if so, I think that "Baillif, put him in a cell right now" is a thing. No trial. Might be wrong but I think not.

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RE: Trump just not showing... I think that this might be contempt of court and, if so, I think that "Baillif, put him in a cell right now" is a thing. No trial. Might be wrong but I think not.

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"Madame University President, why are you not aware of everything that every student that has ever attended your university is doing, has done, or will do? Isn't that a failure of leadership? Is this clearly not official university product and official university product? I know you just answered that question as a no six times, but will it change if I ask it a seventh time? Stop laughing at me, this is not a laughing matter!"

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Well, it's a little odd that the guest's "body odor" is so significant it can be detected on the rug, but otherwise this was good advice!

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Better stock up on that "butt crack" deodorant!

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Love the Trump system for demonstrating "loyalty." Caligula had the same system for dealing with the richest citizens of Rome. Just like the PAB, he looted the imperial treasury very quickly and was always in need of funds. So he took to making all the richest people mention him in their wills, to show their loyalty and devotion to their God-Emperor (and, oh yeah, also avoid a certain treason charge and execution).

Then later, as his financial situation got even worse, Caligula started sending out lovely gift baskets of poisoned fruits to the ones who had shown the most "loyalty." America's would-be oligarchs would do well to pay attention.

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I did notice on a story about the new Republican donor setup that candidates are required to give 5% of their contributions to the Trump National Committee.

Is this separate from the Republican National Committee, or is this the new Republican National Committee?

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Their contributions to the RNC are skimmed so most of it goes straight to TFG, but this is an appeal for direct contributions.

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So, technically, the RNC and the TNC are two separate entities?

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Technically. But something like the first $1000 of any single donation goes directly to TFG. Which sweeps up ALL the small donors, just for a start.

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Donations to the "Republican National Committee," that is.

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Didn't he used to fuck their wives at parties?

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Wives, horses, stone fruit. Whatever was present, and in need of a good fucking, really.

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As one does...

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Yeah, that too. I feel certain, somehow, that the mass media of the day loved his adventures.

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MTG's source of D saw “packs” of "people from Africa"? Should we explain to him, in words of one syllable, that those people are Black New Yorkers, and he can actually fuck right off? (ETA: Similar for the "large pockets" of "Hispanic males" - unlike MTGD, they most likely have souls, so they are also cool and can stay!)

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"Packs" creates White People fears like "caravan"!

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Holy shit. The democrats should buy a full page at in the NYTimes that is just that speech printed out. Nothing else. Just here is DJT's speech on Gettysburg.

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Jimmy Kimmel absolutely obliterated Ranta Claus last night. If you need fifteen minutes of laughs, check this out:


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Marjorie Taylor Greene demands space lasers to combat migrants


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Don't question it, it will make your head hurt...

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Bill Barr: "I hate Trump but that doesn't mean I'm not going to vote for him."


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Barr: Yeah trump is a criminal who will ruin this country if we give him another term but he's not a Democrat.

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Illegitimate criminal thug going to vote for other illegitimate criminally insane thug.

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Arrrrrrgh! I hate Trump, but that not why I'm NOT going to vote for him. I'm not going to vote for him because he's Bad at Government, and also too, his "policies" (not really policies) suck ass. Barr might agree with what passes for Policy in the Trump universe, but SURELY he recognizes that Trump is Bad at Government. What a tool!

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He compares the choice to "Russian Roulette versus national suicide" (GRRR "Progressive Agenda"!) which tells me he doesn't understand how Russian Roulette works

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"anyway, I was just following orders"

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Bill Barr is always full of shit

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Like most of them, he wants to act all principled but at the end of the day he's still a Republican so tribalism is more important than anything

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Deep down, they all want to get invited to those cocktail parties.

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“Get arrested. It's just more indictments, not as if you're already not facing 700 years in federal prison."

If you go far enough around on the Right, you end up here on the Left.

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“Get arrested. It's just more indictments, not as if you're already not facing 700 years in federal prison."

If you go far enough around on the Right, you end up here on the Left.

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"Packs of Africans" I live in a fairly central mixed student/immigrant/hipster part of my city, where old walkup apartment buildings are slowing giving way to new condos. My building is very much an African immigrant building, minority white.

Couple months ago, I pulled up fairly late at night to the street outside my building, and took a few minutes getting organized to go in. A car had pulled up right behind me and nobody got out. As I left my car, the person in that car also left theirs, and started following me toward my building. I was feeling just a little nervous, until I glanced back and saw it was a young black man. Immediately relaxed - around here a very young black man is a kid whose grandmother would give him a very hard time if he was anything but helpful and kind to an old woman. Which it was - he got in front of me and held the door to let me in.

Marge's BF needs to get out of East Bumfuck now and then and meet some Africans.

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Maybe they don't want to meet him


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