That's like when people call Alex Jones fat, as if it's the worst thing about him. Hey jerks, I'm fat. I've also never spread misinformation and hateful lies to millions, or urged my followers to harass the parents of murdered children, or given a bullhorn to some of the worst bigots alive.

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That's not fat, that's alcohol bloat. It's all in his neck.

But his alcoholism isn't the worst thing about him...That's just the dutch courage he uses to spread misinfo, profit off his delusional followers, platform bigots...

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Ah, reverse-racism. I haven't heard that particular dog whistle sound since the early 1990s.

For people born in the last 30 years, "reverse-racism" was a concept where white people claimed minorities (specifically black people) just assumed they were racist because they were white. This more or less gave white people a Free Racial Bypassing card, because why should you bother caring what happens to someone who's accusing you of being just like those awful Klan people? All you said was you thought the ACLU had outlived its purpose and should be dismantled so businesses and universities can get back to accepting people based on their merits.

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Has Vivek Ramaswamy and Donna Brazille given you all permission to be as rude and you can be, becoming a version of Twitter troll bullies as apparently Ramaswamy is? I don’t do Twitter, myself, but I can just imagine -- why I’m not there). What’s the point -- other than to get carried away with who can say the most trashy one-liners?

As far as Maher is concerned -- I bet Brazille thought she was on a show where the host abhorred political correctness. Where would she ever get that idea? The look in her eye when Maher said that was a bit racist -- she wasn’t expecting that (neither was anybody else, probably).

Anyway, I’m sure my response isn’t popular on this thread. Hope that doesn’t mean I deserve adolescent name-calling, not that it’s a big deal to me if you did. Just tired of that all over the place, all the time.

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Help! someone has stolen my handle and now substandsardstack will not allow me to sign in without applying to Trix for a safe conduct. WTF?

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I think it would make more sense for Vivek to just spell his name differently. We're talking about brand recognition here. And he's selling it, largely, to people who, largely, can barely spell their own names.

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Wrong. The correct pronunciation is "chumly".

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You assume Bill did not have her on specifically to get her to commit a verbal blunder so he could point out the Hypocrisy of Democrats.

Donna has a wee bit of history with such things after all.

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Speaking as someone whose tongue-twister of a last name has confounded my fellow Americans for decades, I suspect that screwing up Vivek's first name or last name or both may not be as huge a crime against humanity as, say, his policies would be if put into action.

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Wait. His name ISN'T RamaSMARMY? Oh, god, what have I been doing? Now people are going to think I'm a racist asshole instead of a snarky asshole. Man.

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I don't care how he pronounces his name. Don't care how Donna's name is pronounced, either. Both losers.

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Good points.

I’m still going to call him Ramasmarmy, though, because fuck that guy.

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I mean, it's of a type of saying Limpballs (Limbaugh) or Brightfart (Breitbart), y'know? Is that considered being racist toward white men?

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What about Not-Very-Bright-Bart?

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There is no difference between this and purposefully using a dead name, do better.

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I'd compare mispronouncement to your momma jokes, myself. It's obviously not true, it's obviously insensitive, it obviously comes from a flaw in your own thinking, when done well it can be funny, and it isn't that big a deal.

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I don't agree, at least not in the sense I do it -- deadnaming someone is denying their identity, saying you refuse to acknowledge who they are now. If I call him, as Wookie Monster does, "Ramasmarmy", I'm mocking him for the impression he gives if you spend 30 seconds listening to him.

I mean, I can see how it can be problematic. When the Right refuses to pronounce the Vice President's name correctly, I'm sure there's a healthy dollop of misogyny and racism mixed in there, as well as contempt for her politically. (Not to mention their insistence on using her first name all the time -- "Harris" is very easy to pronounce, if they really want to say Kamala is too hard. There was an excuse with Clinton, if you didn't start your sentence with "Hillary" most people would probably assume you were about to say something about her husband, the ex-president.) But I still don't think it's the same as deadnaming someone.

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I will call them republicons as long as they use "Democrat Party" because I can be more petty and childish than they can. Fuck their feelings.

And I'm going to call him Pendejo for at least the first 100 years after both of us are dead.

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TBF, that's not quite the same as not using someone's name. But I understand the sentiment.

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Really well said

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Wow Stephen, too bad you wasted your time on this nothingness.

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Well, I admit I didn't know until now that Vivek is not pronounced how American English phonics would indicate, but I would have checked before I went on TV to talk smack about him. Sheesh.

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I had no idea how to pronounce Douchbro's name, because I've never heard it said.

I get kinda touchy about names and pronunciation: my last name often gets an 'S' tacked on the end, or mispronounced entirely. Mrs Mild, and the Mild jr's have learned to put up with it, as have I. My daughter's South American name starts with a soft 'A' that people who've known her for decades don't get. Mrs Mild Jr's is spelled the same as a fairly common name, but uses the Israeli soft 'A' sound, which also gets mispronounced.

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Douchebro is a more accurate name anyway.

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Who gives a shit. Vivek’s a douchebag asshole. If it was someone with even a bit of respectability like Lisa Murkowski or Bill Kristol, sure, get the name right. But fuck that guy.

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They have respectability?

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news to me

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